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Support person - How do you deal with it all?

alvarotrigo opened this issue · comments

Hey @wesbos !

The other day you told me on Twitter you started using a support person for non technical stuff:
screen shot 2018-10-05 at 19 43 27

How do you deal with that person and the whole support process?
I assume at first at least (or even now) you would like to receive all the requests and the responses your support person creates, so you can monitor if they are doing it as you would like to. Perhaps even tell them a few things you would add or remove in the way they respond people.

  • Did you then stop receiving at some point all those emails in your inbox? Completely trusting your
    support person and saving that time that takes reading all those conversations?

  • How is the person responding like? Like yourself? Like a customer support person? I assume people would like to feel they are dealing directly with you instead of a support person?

  • How long was the training process with the support person in your case? Do you still have to reply some of those emails yourself from time to time?