wesbos / AeroSpace

AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS

Home Page:https://nikitabobko.github.io/AeroSpace/guide

Repository from Github https://github.comwesbos/AeroSpaceRepository from Github https://github.comwesbos/AeroSpace

AeroSpace Beta Build

AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS



Project status

Public Beta. AeroSpace can be used as a daily driver, but expect breaking changes until 1.0 is reached.

Key features


Install via Homebrew to get autoupdates (Preferred)

brew install --cask nikitabobko/tap/aerospace

In multi-monitor setup please make sure that monitors are properly arranged.

Other installation options: https://nikitabobko.github.io/AeroSpace/guide#installation


By using AeroSpace, you acknowledge that it's not notarized.

Notarization is a "security" feature by Apple. You send binaries to Apple, and they either approve them or not. In reality, notarization is about building binaries the way Apple likes it.

I don't have anything against notarization as a concept. I specifically don't like the way Apple does notarization. I don't have time to deal with Apple.

Homebrew installation script is configured to automatically delete com.apple.quarantine attribute, that's why the app should work out of the box, without any warnings that "Apple cannot check AeroSpace for malicious software"

Community, discussions, issues, pull requests

Informal community discussions happen at GitHub Discussions. There you can ask your questions, show off your setup, bring other topic, or just chat.

There are 6 channels:

You're welcome to submit bug reports and well-defined feature proposals in GitHub issues. You're welcome to submit pull requests as well. See: CONTRIBUTING.md

Issues vs Discussions: Issues are formal and well-defined. Discussions are informal and casual.


A notes on how to setup the project, build it, how to run the tests, etc. can be found here: dev-docs/development.md

Project values


  • AeroSpace is targeted at advanced users and developers
  • Keyboard centric
  • Breaking changes (configuration files, CLI, behavior) are avoided as much as possible, but it must not let the software stagnate. Thus breaking changes can happen, but with careful considerations and helpful message. Semver major version is bumped in case of a breaking change (It's all guaranteed once AeroSpace reaches 1.0 version, until then breaking changes just happen)
  • AeroSpace doesn't use GUI, unless necessarily
    • AeroSpace will never provide a GUI for configuration. For advanced users, it's easier to edit a configuration file in text editor rather than navigating through checkboxes in GUI.
    • Status menu icon is ok, because visual feedback is needed
  • Provide practical features. Fancy appearance features are not practical (e.g. window borders, transparency, animations, etc.)
  • "dark magic" (aka "private APIs", "code injections", etc.) must be avoided as much as possible
    • Right now, AeroSpace uses only a single private API to get window ID of accessibility object _AXUIElementGetWindow. Everything else is macOS public accessibility API.
    • AeroSpace will never require you to disable SIP (System Integrity Protection).
    • The goal is to make AeroSpace easily maintainable, and resistant to macOS updates.

Non Values

  • Play nicely with existing macOS features. If limitations are imposed then AeroSpace won't play nicely with existing macOS features (For example, AeroSpace doesn't acknowledge the existence of macOS Spaces, and it uses emulation of its own workspaces)

Tip of the day

defaults write -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture -bool true

Now, you can move windows by holding ctrl+cmd and dragging any part of the window (not necessarily the window title)

Source: reddit

Related projects


AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOS


License:MIT License


Language:Swift 95.0%Language:Shell 4.1%Language:ANTLR 0.7%Language:Objective-C 0.2%Language:Ruby 0.0%Language:Makefile 0.0%