wesabe / ssu

Server-Side Uploader, the data aggregation engine.

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how to use with pfc

smiggly opened this issue · comments

Not an issue, but I'm a little confused how to use ssu with pfc. I got as far as setting ssu_support in financial_insts, but it just doesn't seem to work.

What a I missing?

Thanks so much

@smiggly: Can you explain exactly what isn't working?

Sorry, I am using Ubuntu Server 11.04. I followed the directions at https://github.com/wesabe/mesabe/wiki/Mesabe-DIY to install, and have it working fine, able to upload ofx and everything, just missing ssu.

I tried to install ssu, so I put in in the same directory with everything else. I tried to add an account (Bank of America & Citi), but it just went straight to uploading ofx, I did recompile pidhelper because it didn't urn, I also updated the db to set ssu_support for Bank of America, now I get asked for a user/pass, but when I click connect, I get sent back to the login screen, and see this error.

Started POST "/credentials" for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx at Tue Oct 18 11:01:54 -0500 2011
Processing by AccountCredsController#create as
Parameters: {"fi"=>"com.bankofamerica", "creds"=>"[FILTERED]"}
*** [check_authentication] no current user; current_user: nil
Redirected to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:3000/login
Completed 302 Found in 262ms

I am using Xvfb, which works when running the server and client. I also tried running it on my desktop which has X installed, but it did the same thing, so I don't think that's the problem, but if you think this may be the problem, I will setup the server with X to make sure I can see what's going on. I have tried running the ssu server first, and without running it (As I understand pfc should start it?) it does the same thing both ways.

So my question is what steps do you need to do to get ssu working with PFC? Any configuration file changes? Do I need to run anything? Do I need to set ssu_support for banks that should use ssu? Anything else?

Thanks so much.

Is this issue the same as discussed in the thread at wesabe/pfc#45 ?