weppos / whois

An intelligent — pure Ruby — WHOIS client and parser.

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Creation Date isn't being parsed

papaiatis opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to get whois information for domains and in same cases the Creation Date field isn't being parsed. For example with this domain: loloscube dot com
The Creation Date is in the Verisign's response but the resulting json does not contain a separate creation_date field.

Since I'm new to Ruby I'm having a hard time debugging the code :)
Can you please help me out?


I think I found the problem. In Whois::Record::Parser the delegate_property_to_parsers calls the select_parser method to get a parser which supports the created_on property. The parsers array contains these parsers in this order:

  • Whois::Record::Parsers::WhoisGodaddyCom
  • Whois::Record::Parsers::WhoisGodaddyCom
  • Whois::Record::Parsers::WhoisVerisignGrsCom

Since both types of parsers support the created_on property the first GodaddyCom parser will be selected. However the @part string belonging to the selected first GodaddyCom parser does not contain the Creation Date string but only the VerisignGrsCom parser's @part string.
Because the delegate_property_to_parsers method does not check if the parser supports the property AND returns the property's value properly (not nil) it does not reach out to the VerisignGrsCom parser (which only contains this information).

I temporarily changed the created_on to property_not_supported in GodaddyCom parser. This make the code select the VerisignGrsCom parser which eventually successfully returned the Creation Date string.

There should be a logic in delegate_property_to_parsers which iterates through all the parsers that supports the selected property and it only stops if the current parser successfully returns a valid value or there is no more parsers left (thus returns nil eventually).

Any thoughts?

I managed to fix the bug.
Here is the old code:

def delegate_property_to_parsers(method, *args, &block)
  if parsers.empty?
    raise ParserError, "Unable to select a parser because the Record is empty"
  elsif (parser = select_parser { |p| p.class.property_state?(method, PROPERTY_STATE_SUPPORTED) })
    parser.send(method, *args, &block)
  elsif (parser = select_parser { |p| p.class.property_state?(method, PROPERTY_STATE_NOT_SUPPORTED) })
    parser.send(method, *args, &block)
    raise AttributeNotImplemented, "Unable to find a parser for property `#{method}'"

And here is the fixed one:

  def delegate_property_to_parsers(method, *args, &block)
    if parsers.empty?
      raise ParserError, "Unable to select a parser because the Record is empty"
    property_value = nil
    parser_found = false
    states.each do |state|
      parsers.each do |parser|
        if parser.class.property_state?(method, state)
          parser_found = true
          property_value = parser.send(method, *args, &block)
          if not property_value.nil?
            return property_value
    if not parser_found
      raise AttributeNotImplemented, "Unable to find a parser for property `#{method}'"

However, I did not find this file in the upcoming new version of the whois gem (4.0).

Whois parsers are now defined in a separate gem.

Do you mind to report the issue in the new repository?