wenyan-lang / book

文言陰符 An Introduction to Programming in Wenyan Language

Home Page:https://book.wy-lang.org

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Thanks for pointing out! Now fixed: 6f5ed98

Re-generating the PDF is bit of a hassle, I plan to do that at end of each week, when I'll have collected a couple of errors. But the markdown and HTML versions are updated instantaneously. Hope you don't mind.


Do you mean reverse the page order of entire book, so the front cover is on the last page and you scroll upwards? That would be kinda weird, I haven't seen that done elsewhere in old Chinese book digitization. Or are you using a PDF reader that supports horizontal scrolling? If so, I may consider generating two versions of PDF for vertical and horizontal scrolling readers.

Thanks again for spotting the typo and the suggestion!

Yes, that’s what I mean. But it’s not so important a urgent problem, and I think vertical scrolling is not so bad, so if my suggestion is weird (I haven’t seen any digitized old book before!) you don’t have to fix it.

I have another question yet. The丹道mentioned at the end of the book is machine learning, right?

It seems that wy-lang supports machine learning?!

Just guessing.

Yes, that’s what I mean.

Totally reasonable, will make a horizontal scrolling version in the next release.

It seems that wy-lang supports machine learning?!

Haha I'm currently working on a tensorflow.js wrapper for wenyan. It already supports training and testing basic convnets now but still very much work-in-progress. At first I was trying to write an entire chapter about it, but figured it's too complex to explain all the concepts from scratch.

I'll make the ML library for wenyan public soon :)

Very want to learn ML😀😀 wish you can make a success.

The book cover is weird.
Is that my browser’s fault?

The book cover is weird.

Oops, I think you're seeing the old design, which was replaced a couple of days ago. jsdelivr is caching the old file. If possible, check out ./assets/wenyan-book.pdf directly on Github.

Also, you can force jsdelivr to give you the newer version by adding the commit hash, like so:


Very want to learn ML😀😀 wish you can make a success.


Thanks for your useful help.