welpo / tabi

A modern Zola theme with search, multilingual support, optional JavaScript, a perfect Lighthouse score, and a focus on accessibility.

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Optimizing Fonts

donovanglover opened this issue · comments

Feature Request


I noticed that fonts total to 822 KB when loading a blog post, which is about 3/4 the size of a page.

The fonts on google-webfonts-helper are generally smaller, so I assume some optimization can be done to significantly reduce the file sizes.


Faster load times. Only load what's used.

Detailed Description

  • How many font weights are needed?
  • What charsets are used?

Additional Context

Should users be able to customize the fonts used? Specifying fonts can be useful especially if system fonts are preferred.

I noticed that tabi takes advantage of the modern variable fonts feature in CSS, so it may be difficult to use non-variable fonts like the 400/600/700 ones.

I also saw the font charsets with FontForge. Overall, I think optimizations can be done on a case-by-case basis and feel like the current fonts are already good for a majority of users.

I'm interested in reducing the size of the resources, so I'll definitely look into some options in regards to fonts.

The google-webfonts-helper link above is pretty good when it comes to .woff2 sizes. The biggest downside is that existing font-weights would have to be rounded to the nearest 100.

Potential advantages include more consistent fonts across a variety of browsers. qutebrowser has trouble showing some of the current font weights, for example.

I can't use the webfonts helper as I'm using the latest Inter version, not available in Google Fonts. Here's what I did:

Coding Font

For the mono/code font (Cascadia Code), I've ran:

pyftsubset CascadiaCode-SemiLight.woff2 \
  --layout-features="kern,liga" \
  --desubroutinize \
  --unicodes=U+0020-007E,U+00A0-00FF \
  --flavor=woff2 \

This compresses the font file from 133KB to 13KB. The font includes:

  • Basic ASCII characters (U+0020-007E): Covers English, the Latin-1 Supplement, and most coding symbols.
  • Ligatures & kerning.

I believe this subset should be sufficient for code formatting in the vast majority of use-cases, satisfying 99.9% of users.

Serif & Sans Serif

For the serif and sans-serif fonts, I've ran:

pyftsubset SourceSerif4Variable-Roman.otf.woff2 \
  --layout-features="kern,liga" \
  --desubroutinize \
              U+0600-06FF,U+2000-206F" \
  --flavor=woff2 \
pyftsubset InterVariable.woff2 \
  --layout-features="kern,liga,calt" \
  --desubroutinize \
              U+0600-06FF,U+2000-206F,U+2190-21FF" \
  --flavor=woff2 \

This subset includes:

  • Latin and Latin Extended (U+0020-00FF, U+0100-024F, U+1E00-1EFF): Covers most European languages including those with diacritics and accents.
  • Cyrillic (U+0400-052F): Covers languages like Russian and Ukrainian.
  • Greek (U+0391-03D6): Includes basic Greek characters.
  • Chinese (U+4E00-9FFF, U+3400-4DBF, U+20000-2A6DF): A broad set for Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
  • Japanese (U+3040-309F, U+30A0-30FF): Includes Hiragana and Katakana.
  • Arabic (U+0600-06FF): Basic Arabic script.
  • General Punctuation (U+2000-206F): Covers a range of punctuation marks including the bullet point, dashes, and various kinds of spaces.
  • For Inter: arrows.

This configuration should cover a broad spectrum of languages and scripts, aiming to satisfy most use-cases.

This brings the sans serif font, Inter-4.0-beta9h, from 326KB to 168KB.

The serif font, Source Serif 4, went from to 429KB to 253KB.

Aggregated, this takes the font sizes from 803KB to 434; almost half of the original size.

I will be doing a PR with these changes soon.

That sounds awesome! Thanks for working on this!


Thanks for requesting this, I had been meaning to look into it.

PR: #186. You might be interested in the last section, which includes instructions to create your own—potentially much smaller— subsets without needing to modify the theme's files.