welpo / tabi

A modern Zola theme with search, multilingual support, optional JavaScript, a perfect Lighthouse score, and a focus on accessibility.

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Missing image links for project pages

donovanglover opened this issue · comments

Bug Report


Zola version: 0.17.2
tabi commit: f1d92a7

Expected Behavior

Images should be clickable for project pages.

Current Behavior

Images are only clickable if page.extra.link_to is used.

Step to reproduce

{% if page.extra.link_to %}
<a rel="{{ rel_attributes }}" {{ blank_target }} href={{ page.extra.link_to }}>
{% endif %}

Where would the image lead to, if there's no external URL? To the pages that are built for each project?

page.permalink would be ideal since they get auto-generated.

Makes sense. I always thought of the auto-generated pages as a nuisance, but I guess they could be used as a post to explain the project (with the default article template or with the new info-page.html).

On it!

There could be optional icons or text below the project name such as GitHub, Demo Website, etc.

This would replace link_to.

There could be optional icons or text below the project name such as GitHub, Demo Website, etc.

On the project's .md file, you mean, right? (i.e. the example you linked from my site)

I think the project page is better than the listing to avoid giving the user too many choices. This also drives traffic to the project pages.

Done in #157!
