welisonmenezes / vanilla-validator

Vanilla Validator, a form validator by pure JavaScript

Home Page:https://welisonmenezes.github.io/vanilla-validator/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vanilla Validator

A pure Javascript form validator.

Basic Usage


<script src='dist/vanilla-validator.concat.min.js'></script>

Or, you can call the scripts separately:

<script src='dist/vv-elements.min.js'></script>
<script src='dist/vv-checks.min.js'></script>
<script src='dist/vanilla-validator.min.js'></script>


  var validator = new VanillaValidator({});


To work correctly, you must use the plugin's configured classes on form elements.

You can custom each class. See the documentation.

    <input type='text' class='required' placeholder='Name'>
    <input type='text' class='email' placeholder='Email'>
  <input type='submit'>

The config object

You have to pass a configuration object as parameter when to instantiate VanillaValidator.

If you pass a empty object the VanillaValidator will use the default configurations.

However, you can customize your validator. Example:

var config = {
  container: '#my-form-id',
  validationBy: 'onclick',
  button: '.my-button-class',
  validateOnFieldChanges: true,
  selectors: {
    required: 'my-required-field-class'
var validator = new VanillaValidator(config);

See more at the documentation.


Vanilla Validator, a form validator by pure JavaScript



Language:JavaScript 58.3%Language:HTML 27.4%Language:CSS 14.2%