wekan / wekan

The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at https://app.transifex.com/wekan/wekan only.

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Bug: Wekan - Synology

marek94901 opened this issue · comments


wekan doesn't work for us today. I don't know what caused the defect, but I noticed the download of a new image via watchtower. We use docker on our synology nas.

wekan: v5.35
mongo db: 4.4.6
synology docker app: 20.10.3.-0552

Here is a list of logs:

ReferenceError: describe is not defined
at module (server/lib/utils.tests.js:6:1)
at fileEvaluate (packages/modules-runtime.js:336:7)
at Module.require (packages/modules-runtime.js:238:14)
at require (packages/modules-runtime.js:258:21)
at /build/programs/server/app/app.js:27729:1
at /build/programs/server/boot.js:401:38
at Array.forEach ()
at /build/programs/server/boot.js:226:21
at /build/programs/server/boot.js:464:7
at Function.run (/build/programs/server/profile.js:280:14)
at /build/programs/server/boot.js:463:13



  1. Stop wekan-app and remove it:
docker stop wekan-app
docker rm wekan-app

2a) Try with this image:

image: quay.io/wekan/wekan:v5.35

2b) or this image:

image: wekanteam/wekan:v5.35

If you use docker commands, use something like this:

docker run -d --restart=always --name wekan --link "wekan-db:db" -e "WITH_API=true" -e "MONGO_URL=mongodb://wekan-db:27017/wekan" -e "ROOT_URL=" -p 2000:8080 quay.io/wekan/wekan:v5.35

If you use instead use docker-compose, after changing docker-compose.yml do:

docker-compose up -d

Had same error, changing image to image: quay.io/wekan/wekan helped me.
In the same time I also updated the docker.compose.yml (update mongoDB to 4.4 and update the start command for mongoDB) but I think it has nothing to do with mongoDB


I don't recommend running that latest tag like in your example, because there are In Progress incomplete features like Shared Templates. I recommend running release tags like v5.35 like above in my example.

@xet7 thank you for your response, i thought the latest tag would update only if a release happend?
So actual latest would be 5.35 or do i missanderstand something?


No. Latest is newest git commit at master branch, and it can sometimes be broken, like unstable/devel. Wekan has only one branch, master. It builds every time there is new commit. Commits are here:

Releases are when some specific release has numbered release tag, like v5.35. When release tag is added, then new Snap/Sandstorm/Bundle etc versions are built.

@xet7 oh that is very interesting thank you very much, i will change it :)

Hi, thank you very much for the advice. I was desperate in the morning, so I tried several methods and the last thing I could think of was to use the old image in version 5.35. This version works.


Can someone who has applied the fix tell me if it's possible to change the tag from latest to release in the Synology UI? I don't see that tag listed when I download a new image, but I can download version 5.35 specifically. I don't think there's a great way to change versions if I do 5.35 without updating things manually to a new version?


I don't know how you add or remove docker images in Synology UI, I don't have Synology.

With Docker, it's done this way: #3874 (comment)

You see newest Wekan version from https://wekan.github.io/ above Download button, currently newest and greatest is Wekan v5.36, it includes all recent fixes.

I would think you remove previous wekan-app container and download newest with tag v5.36

You should keep your existing wekan-db (mongodb) container, and also have daily backups


Thank you @xet7 I figured out how to do this so I can run on a stable version all the time now.

Most, if not all, open-source projects point the latest tag to the latest release. I've never seen this being used in this way. I feel it would be better to conform to that de-facto standard instead of needing to warn people about this. This is probably going to be an issue for many users to come if left unchanged.


Latest tags do point to latest releases.

Most, if not all, open-source projects point the latest tag to the latest release. I've never seen this being used in this way. I feel it would be better to conform to that de-facto standard instead of needing to warn people about this. This is probably going to be an issue for many users to come if left unchanged.

To echo @eriky, typically in open source projects that I've come across, the latest tag is the latest stable release.

They then have tags for development/nightly etc where those releases are published to via the CI/CD system.

I already fixed that at 2021-11-12. When releasing, I push to release tags and latest tags:

Maybe the README.md should be adjusted then?

It still reads:

Docker: Please only use Docker release tags
Note: With Docker, please don't use latest tag. Only use release tags. See #3874

As I understood the your comment here, the latest tag should now be safe.

@xet7 While you did fix the above in README.md, it's still hanging around in https://hub.docker.com/r/wekanteam/wekan



I updated Docker Hub readme.