weirongxu / plantuml-previewer.vim

Vim / Neovim plugin for preview PlantUML

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No image is generated

bravoecho opened this issue · comments


I've followed and double checked all the installations steps, but when I run either :PlantumlOpen or PlantumlSave no file is generated, nor is any error raised.

All the dependencies are installed with brew (in particular graphviz and plantuml), and the g:plantuml_previewer#plantuml_jar_path variable is set and it points to the correct .jar file, as per readme.

Generating image files with :Make from within a .puml file works as intended, and previewing markdown containing plantuml code with previm both work. This seems to suggest that the system is setup correctly with regard to Plantuml.

I'm sorry I cannot provide any more steps to reproduce, but I'd highly appreciate help with this.

Thank you!

Hi! I had the same issue today on fresh macOS 11.2.2 installation.
In my case problem was with Java. Try to install adoptopenjdk package
brew install --cask adoptopenjdk


Awesome, that works, thank you @d0nth4x ! 🙂

Hmm... I'm having the same problem, but on Linux. Is there a log file I can reference? I see that Chrome's JS console shows FILE_NOT_FOUND, and looking in the ./viewer/ directory shows indeed no 'tmp.svg' exists. But, like the reporter, I've set and validated the right vim variables, and plantuml from the command line works.