weirongxu / plantuml-previewer.vim

Vim / Neovim plugin for preview PlantUML

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Not enough argument for function bufnr while running :PlantumlOpen

pushpendrak1 opened this issue · comments

I was trying to open previewer using :PlantumlOpen but keep on getting error.
E119: Not enough argument for function: bufnr
E15: Invalid expression: bufnr()

bufnr() argument is missing after passing argument to it started working.
let s:watched_bufnr = bufnr('$')
But after that i didn't find previewer refresh is working. Everytime I make changes I have to start :PlantumlOpen again.

Which version of vim do you use? Seems that the old vim does not support bufnr without parameters.

I was working with vim-8.0.1298 version after encountering this problem I upgrade it to vim 8.1.1846 version. But no luck still got same error. I am using Gentoo linux platform.

Thank you for the information, I have updated the plugin, and should be fixed this