weirongxu / plantuml-previewer.vim

Vim / Neovim plugin for preview PlantUML

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How do I set `!include` to work with working directory?

cprn opened this issue · comments


I tried to set g:plantuml_previewer#viewer_path to working directory but it doesn't copy index.html there because the directory already exists. In that case I don't understand how to make !include work when multiple diagrams share definitions.

Directory content:

├── shared.puml
└── main.puml


actor a as "**Bank's Customer**\n\n//Description translated to many languages.//"
rectangle b as "**Local Bank**\n\n//Description also translated to many languages.//"


!include shared.puml
a -> b

Opening main.puml in VIM and calling :PlantumlOpen without setting the #viewer_path generates this error:


With #viewer_path set to current directory calling :PlantumlOpen makes browser complain it cannot find index.html.

Fixed in the latest version.

Unless you want to change the viewer directory, don't need to set the #viewer_path