wei3hua2 / singularity-js

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Singularity-JS (Work In Progress)

Javascript library for singularitynet

Singularity-Js is the javascript library for Singularitynet. The library supports both browser and node application.

What is SingularityNet?

SingularityNet a decentralize marketplace for AI services. Through the marketplace, users can utilize the list of AI services to perform complex and state-of-the-art algorithm without the need to deal with complicated mathematics or complex operations.

The pricing follows the per-as-you-use model. Services are paid with the AGI token (AGI), which is an ethereum utility token that complies to the ERC20 standard.

This library provides easy access to the services made available on the marketplace. With a few lines of codes, High-tech scale algorithm is readily accessible without the need to tap into expensive phD-level AI engineers' expertise.


  • web3.js version 1 and beyond
  • node
  • AGI tokens.

For browser:

  • Browser plugin wallet: metamusk etc.


Please refer to this link for the the demo of the library implemented in Angular. The repository of this demo can be found at singularity-js-demo.


npm install singularity-js --save

Concept (simplified)

SingularityNet is not a provider, but an intermediary platform that bridges the supply (AI service providers. developers, researchers etc), and demand (service consumer. businesses, hobyists etc). Everyone can be a supplier and consumer by utilizing tools provided by Singularity Foundation.

The supplier can easily get started by creating an Organization with the blockchain via the CLI tool provided by the SingularityNet foundation.

With the organization created, the supplier can create Services, that provide access to AI algorithms. A typical use case of such services range from image recognition, text translation, to anything that you can think of.

Payment resolution mechanism is involved when accessing the service. A Multi Party Escrow , as the words suggest, is the mechanism for payment resolution. Consumers have to first deposit their AGI token to the escrow service to be able to access to the services. To handle the resolution of individual service, Channel has to be created with sufficient funds deposited and valid expiration period.


For more comprehensive reading, please refer to the Singularitynet whitepaper.


As of now, this library primarily focus is to access the services provided (demand-side).

Getting started

The Manual approach

The example assumes that there is available AGI tokens in your account.

import {Snet} from 'singularity-js';
import Web3 from 'web3';

const web3Provider = 'wss://ropsten.infura.io/ws';
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(web3Provider));

(async () => {
    const snet = await Snet.init(web3);

    // 1. deposit to escrow (in cogs).
    await snet.depositToEscrow(100);

    // 2. get the service you want to access.
    const svc = await snet.getService('snet', 'example-service');
    // {id:'example-service', }

    // 3. create a new channel for the service.
    const channel = await svc.openChannel(100, 10000);
    // {id:129, ...}

    // 4. call example-service to perform basic addition arithmetic.
    const request = svc.defaultRequest('add');
    request.a = 5;
    request.b = 6;

    const response = await svc.runJob('add', request, {use_channel_id: channel.id});
    // {value: 11}


The Auto approach

An alternative approach is to delegate the channel handling to the logic flow provided by this library.

import {Snet} from 'singularity-js';
import Web3 from 'web3';

const web3Provider = 'wss://ropsten.infura.io/ws';
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(web3Provider));

(async () => {
    const snet = await Snet.init(web3);

    const response = await snet.runJob("snet", "example-service", "add", {a:5, b:6}, {autohandle_channel: true});

    // {value: 11}


Getting the information

Information on Organizations, Services and Channels are available via some of the methods below.


// 1. list all organizations
const organizations = await snet.listOrganization();
// {id: 'snet'}

const organizationDetails = await snet.listOrganization({init: true}); //for more detailed information
// {id: 'snet', ...}

// 2. get single organization detail
const organization = await snet.getOrganization('snet');
// {id: 'snet', ...}


// 1. get services information from organization
const services = await organization.getServices();

const serviceDetails = await organization.getServices({init: true});

// 2. get a specific service
const service = await snet.getService('snet', 'example-service');
// {id:'example-service', 'organizationId:'snet', ...}


Channel is required to make a service call. It is

const channels = await service.getChannels();

// true

const channel = channels[0];
// display channel information if channel is found.
// {id: 123, ...}

const channelState = await channel.getState();
// {...}


An account object is used to model the current account. Account is created at when Snet is instantiated. To access the account object:

const snet = await Snet.init(web3);
const account = snet.account;

Running the Job

Running a job can be done at the root level or service level. In order to track the steps of the job, runJob returns PromiEvent instead of Promise.

const snet = await Snet.init(web3);

const request = {a:5, b:6};

// root level
const responseRoot = await snet.runJob('snet', 'example-service', 'add', request);

// or 

//service level
const exampleService = await snet.getService('snet', 'example-service');
const responseSvc = await exampleService.runJob('add', request);

console.log(responseRoot.value === responseSvc.value);
// true


To handle the workflow for auto channel handling, the method provides a list of options.

use_channel_id: (number) Optional. default to null.
channel_autohandle: (boolean) Optional. default to false.
channel_min_amount: (number|string) Optional. default to signedAmount.
channel_min_expiration: (number|string) Optional. default to currentBlockNo.
channel_topup_amount: (number|string) Optional. default to signedAmount.
channel_expiration_extend: (number|string) Optional. default to currentBlockNo.
// channel not handled automatically. Will throw an error if channel not found, expired, or fail to meet required amount.
response = await exampleService.runJob('add', request, {use_channel_id: 1234});

// Channel is auto created, topup fund or extend expiration if fail to meet criteria. 
response = await exampleService.runJob('add', request, {autohandle_channel: true});

For a more comprehensive explanation, please refer to RunJobOptions.

Job execution state

In order to track the execution of the job, PromiEvent is used. The maintain a list of events that will be fired when the state triggered.

const jobEvents = exampleService.runJob('add', request, {autohandle_channel:true});

// trigger when list of channels are retrieved.
jobEvents.on('available_channels', (channels) => console.log(channels));
// Array

// output response
jobEvents.then(response => console.log(response));
// {value:11}

For the list of running state and workflow, refer to Here.


For the full list of APIs.

Release History

  • 0.1.0
    • The first proper release


James Chong – @wei3hua2email@jameschong.me

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.



License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 74.2%Language:JavaScript 25.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%