wei / pull

🤖 Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Repo dosent sync after its transferred to other Org

ShootingKing-AM opened this issue · comments

It used to work perfectly but after the Repo was transferred to other Org, it stopped working. I reinstalled the pull app on the new Org, given required permissions.

https://pull.git.ci/process/alvr-org/ALVR-phonevr - Says Success but no PR is created
https://pull.git.ci/check/alvr-org/ALVR-phonevr - gives the below output correctly

  "version": "1",
  "rules": [
      "base": "master",
      "upstream": "alvr-org:master",
      "mergeMethod": "merge",
      "mergeUnstable": false,
      "assignees": [],
      "reviewers": [],
      "conflictReviewers": []
  "label": ":arrow_heading_down: pull",
  "conflictLabel": "merge-conflict"

I waited for long time since this app has some delayed effect. Last known PR by this bot was on PhoneVR-Developers/ALVR-phonevr#109 Feb 15th, repo moved from https://github.com/PhoneVR-Developers to present https://github.com/alvr-org on Feb 16th.

Maybe related to #570

Thanks for the ticket. Clearing the cache to see if it picks up the rename.

Thanks for your reply. Did try manually triggering it again, still is not working as expected.

Hello, I checked your config file: https://github.com/alvr-org/ALVR-phonevr/blob/master/.github/pull.yml#L1-L5

Since both your fork and original repos are now in the same organization, GitHub API might not know which one is which when creating the PRs since alvr-org:master can refer to both repos.

Could you try to create a PR manually on https://github.com/alvr-org/ALVR-phonevr and see if there is a way to do it? If not, this is just a GitHub limitation that cannot be overcome.

Hello, I checked your config file: https://github.com/alvr-org/ALVR-phonevr/blob/master/.github/pull.yml#L1-L5

Since both your fork and original repos are now in the same organization, GitHub API might not know which one is which when creating the PRs since alvr-org:master can refer to both repos.

Could you try to create a PR manually on https://github.com/alvr-org/ALVR-phonevr and see if there is a way to do it? If not, this is just a GitHub limitation that cannot be overcome.

Yes i can make a PR, but what should the PR contain ?

I tried "alvr-org/ALVR:master" instead of just "alvr-org:master" and the pull.check says "Cannot compare 404 - {"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest/commits/commits#compare-two-commits"}"

Edit: Moved back the repo to the original Org. Configured pull bot again. Check and Process -> ✅. Waiting for pull to work back normally 😢

It will be a won't fix for now. Previously repos could not be forked within a single organization but GitHub changed that in https://github.blog/changelog/2022-06-27-improved-innersource-collaboration-and-enterprise-fork-policies/

I will keep this request on my radar for the future to figure out how to make PRs between the forks within the same organization! Thanks for using Pull.