wei / pull

🤖 Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs

Home Page:https://github.com/apps/pull

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sync not working

clydebarrow opened this issue · comments

I installed this app a week or so ago, it appeared to work initially, but now it's failing to sync my repo with the upstream. Using the manual trigger reports "Success" but still no sync. Are there any logs to view?

I have the same experience. Currently it does not work.

Reference: https://github.com/bundestag/Bundestag-Live

Sorry for the delay. there is currently no way to view logs publicly but I can look on my end. @clydebarrow if you are still interested, please reply or email me your repo and I'd be happy to take a look.

@ulfgebhardt did you happen to uninstall/reinstall the app or is it still installed on your end?

Also seeing this issue.
Seems there are 2 pull requests just sitting there and this has not done anything? I am expecting it should have just pulled them in automatically?
Happy to get you to check some logs if it may help?

Same as above, manually doing the pull it shows success but nothing happens.

This is the state of the repo - since several weeks:

As you can see its 5 commits behind its source.

The changes can bee seen here
and are fast forward mergable.

Furthermore the author opened an PR I did not merge, since I am convinced thats the job of https://github.com/wei/pull

On organization level the Application is installed and listed under GitHub Apps

This is the configure page

In the past I changed the Repository access setting to Only select repositories in order to try a manual trigger - no success.

As I read from your question @wei that you cannot see the app beeing installed on my end I will now try to remove and reinstall it - in hope for a change

I furthermore followed this important instruction which I have left out in the past - which is surely the reason for this strange behaviour 😉

Up to now I cannot see any change even after reinstall, but only time will tell - hope you get some logs for what I did @wei
If I can assist you in debugging, I am available.

Hiii @ulfgebhardt, pull will not merge pull requests it did not create. I recommend closing that pull request and let pull try to create one automatically.

@Shadoxity please feel free to reply or email your repo, I'd be happy to dig deeper.

@wei Thank you this resolved the issue ❤️

@wei I have clicked merge pull requests on the ones created by the bot.
Will see if the next ones will automatically do it, but my understanding is it should just automatically do this right? Not just raise them and hvae to manually click merge request?

@Shadoxity correct given the bot has permission. For example, branch protection rules / workflow file changes in the PR might result in the bot not having permission.

Closing for now. Please create a new issue if you are still encountering any issues - I'd be happy to debug on my end!