wei / pull

🤖 Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs

Home Page:https://github.com/apps/pull

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Auto merge on branch?

paddyroddy opened this issue · comments

Renovate has a automergeType setting which you can set to branch. This can be useful if you have non-conflicting changes (i.e. your fork always mirrors upstream) and you want to just blindly accept changes (i.e. no email). Would this be possible?

Hello, pull already supports auto merging with the mergeMethod setting. Though, it uses GitHub pull requests for the purpose of maintaining an audit history. It also gives you an easy way to revert if needed. The downside is GitHub manages notifications on pull requests, so it would still send out email notifications. You could add inbound mail filters to archive/delete those emails though.

Okay fair enough. I appreciate this is an atypical workflow.