wei / pull

🤖 Keep your forks up-to-date via automated PRs

Home Page:https://github.com/apps/pull

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


KendallDoesCoding opened this issue · comments

I've forked a repo, in the main repo, I need the person to be CODEOWNER, but I don't want them marked as the reviewer in the forked repo... I removed them from the CODEOWNERS file in the forked repo, but pull bot reverted the changes, how do I update the CODEOWNERS file without the pull bot doing anything to it or how do I set pull bot to not assign the specific user?

Please help @wei

Thanks for using the pull app! You will need a custom config to use merge instead of hard reset as merge method.

Thanks for using the pull app! You will need a custom config to use merge instead of hard reset as merge method.

Thanks for your reply! How can I custom config it? Can you please help me out with what I need to do... Thanks

Please review README on how to add a config and set merge method.

Thanks... So I should do:

reviewers:              # Optional
  - {ReviewerRequired}

And don't mention the other reviewer right?