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Server echoes of /me are not properly tagged with irc_tag_ annotations

ToxicFrog opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When connected to a network that supports server-side echoing, the server may add message tags to its echoes of your message, e.g. time to denote the message timestamp or account to denote a stable-across-nick-changes account name. These show up in weechat's line-tagging system as, e.g., irc_tag_time=2024-02-12T16:43:35.079Z.

When using /me, however, these tags are not added to weechat's line tags. /me messages from other users are properly tagged, but your own are not.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Connect to a server that supports echoing, like libera
  2. Send a normal message
  3. Send a message with /me
  4. Get someone else to send both kinds of messages
  5. /debug tags

Current behavior

All of the messages except the /me you sent will have proper irc_tag_ tags (for libera, this usually means irc_tag_account and irc_tag_time; other networks may have different ones). The /me you sent will have the rest of its tags like irc_action and self_msg, but not the irc_tag_ tags. Looking at irc_raw will confirm that the server echo had the correct tags, they just weren't applied.

Expected behavior

All messages have the appropriate irc_tag_ tags.

Suggested solutions

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