wechaty / wechaty

Conversational RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/7q8NBZbQzt

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Wechaty v0.20 & Puppet Padchat v0.14 Released. Padchat Alpha Testing Closed.

huan opened this issue · comments


We had released wechaty@^0.20 with wechaty-puppet-padchat@^0.14 on Aug 19.

So Alpha Testing will be terminated as we announced before.

Anyone who wants to use wechaty-puppet-padchat, please apply padchat token at BotOrange.com

Ad: If you want to test new puppet implmentation with iPhone App Hook, you can apply for join alpha testers list at Wechaty Puppet Ioscat Testing: iPhone(iOS) Wechat Hooking Support are comming!

Hello to developers who are using Wechaty,

We have excellent news for you: Wechaty New Puppet System is going to ready for testing!, and Alpha Testing Volunteers are open to applications now.

If you want to benefit from all the new features, and cannot wait for the next v0.18 release, then you are welcomed to apply for joining the v0.19 Alpha Tester List!

After HUGE refactoring the Wechaty Framework code base, today we can use the branding new Puppet System to connect Wechaty API to any kinds of Puppets, for example:

  1. PuppetMock(for mocking)
  2. PuppetWechat4U(Web API via HTTP), and
  3. our very classic PuppetPuppeteer(Web API via Browser)


Start from today; we need some volunteers who are interested in joining the alpha testing, for example, our new Padchat Wechat Puppet which backed by the iPad Protocol. If you are one of them, please leave a comments under this issue, introduce yourself about who you are and what you want to do(please DO follow the following TEMPLATE and fill it in details, or you might not be able to be selected), so that we can be able to add you to the alpha testers list if you are qualified.

Wechaty Puppet Alpha Tester Apply Template

1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):

2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):

3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)

  1. Gambling
  2. Adault & Sex

4. Your Email:

5. Your Wechat:

6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)

7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)

Looking forward to hearing back from you, and please submit a new issue if you found any bug or have any feature requests for Wechaty. PR is also welcome with an issue submitted first.

At last, I'd like to say thank you to @lijiarui, @binsee, and @linyimin, who are the main contributors to the puppet system. v0.17 will not possible to go out without your help; it's our teamwork!

Have a good weekend!


Update Jun 24, 2018

Hi all, Wechaty Alpha Tester List current has 11 developers before we stepped into the new developing version v0.17. We will continue accepting alpha tester application until the list reaches to 17 testers. After that, we will queue all the new requests, and start our qualification program to measure the alpha testers every week. If a tester cannot meet the requirement of our qualification program, they will be removed from the alpha tester list, and then we will be able to accept the new application from the queue again.

I would like to join the Wechaty v0.15 Alpha Tester List: (Please see YES at here): Yes

Introduce yourself(who you are): developer of a startup

Explain the problem you want to solve:(what you do): send scheduled messages to clients

Your Email: jiangzhifeng2116@gmail.com

Your Wechat: 44719208

@sammychiang Thanks for your application, and welcome to join the Wechaty Alpha Tester List!

You had just been invited to the Wechaty Alpha Tester List Wechat Room, there will be the 2nd place for discussion between all the testers other than Github. Please be prepared to meet all kind of bugs, and good luck! 😈

@zixia Thanks for the invitation. count my team in.

Introduce Yourself(who you are): founder of Canadian Startup in AI, Mobile, and Cloud Service.

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Conversational UI in general. WeChat is one platform we can't ignore. WebPuppet has many limitations and quite problematic. I am excited to see other form of puppets becoming available!

PS: is there an option to self host padchat? my client would like to avoid the risk of relying on young third party service providers, so they prefer to have my team build infrastructure and operate the cloud service.

Your Email: alamusi@questflex.com

Your Wechat: alamusi2003

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support.: YES

@alamusi Thanks for the application, and I'm glad to know that you are an entrepreneur with AI and ChatBot! I had added your Wechat and please accept so that I can invite you to the Alpha Tester room, and we will discuss the future steps over there.

For your question: is there an option to self-host padchat, the short answer is: YES

The long answer: Wechaty did not provide the iPad Protocol by itself, it only provides an Abstract Puppet Interface to connect to the iPad Protocol, which means we have to have a service provider for it.

At the same time, it is possible to have a private deploy of that. From our current alpha stage testing, we will focus on pushing the Puppet code from alpha to beta. For long-term, I'd like to suggest you talk with @lijiarui in business, she is the founder of BotOrange, and BotOrange is a Beijing Startup in AI and Chatbot.


  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer of a startup

  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Message listening for Some companies

  3. Your Email: **

  4. Your Wechat: **

  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):

  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    我现在在运营一些列微信群,群中有一些讲座,我通过WeChaty控制一系列微信号,在群中互动。给予Web协议的WeChaty在号上有一些限制,如果能使用 IPAD协议的话,这些限制就可以突破。所以准备尝试新协议。

  3. Your Email:

  4. Your Wechat:

  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)

@xinbenlv @lvxuan263 @zmrbak Awesome! Welcome to join and please feel free to report bugs on Github and discuss in Wechat Alpha Test Room.

I had just sent email to you with the necessary information of how to start your Alpha Testing with v0.15, please check your email address and let me know you had received it.

Please also add my wechat 918999 so that I could be able to invite you to the Wechaty Alpha Tester room, happy testing!

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer leader of a startup

  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Provide convenient operation tools for internal staff through WeChat.

  3. Your Email: fackweb@gmail.com

  4. Your Wechat: shitiven

  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: NO

  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES


Introduce Yourself(who you are): radih_huang programmer

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):get user wechatid,send video message ,learn more function from wechaty .

Your Email: 597395959@qq.com

Your Wechat: bboyct597395959

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

@shitiven please confirm that you had joined the developers home before we can continue to process your apply, thanks.

Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer leader of a startup

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Provide convenient system of WeChat.

Your Email: gxsjtu@msn.com

Your Wechat: guoxuan_private

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: NO

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

@gxqc Please join the developers home before we can continue to process your application, thanks.

@radishyell Please check you email for the next steps of joining the Alpha Tester List, thanks.

Introduce Yourself(who you are): leader of a e-commerce team

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Provide sales tools for e-commerce through WeChat.

Your Email: 58333743@qq.com

Your Wechat: nick_shcn

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: NO

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

  1. i am web developer

  2. plain to use WeChaty for automatic message transport

  3. email: hesreg#hotmail.com

  4. wechat id: iamhes

  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room, YES, the second wechaty group

  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

@hello-nick Your application had been approved after you joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room.

@hirohe Your application had been approved, please check your email and follow the steps to join the Alpha Tester List Wechat Room.

Hi @zixia,

Here is my application for alpha testing.

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): Developer and Cyber Security Consultant from Toronto, Canada
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): To manage my wechat groups for professional groups
  3. Your Email: jli@moresecure.ca
  4. Your Wechat: JohnJunLi
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here) YES
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here) YES - Jun Li

Looking forward to the more robust technology.

Thanks a lot.


@jlisbz Welcome, please check your email for the next steps of the application.


Introduce Yourself(who you are): leader of a e-commerce team

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Provide sales tools for e-commerce through WeChat.

Your Email: chrishyman256@gmail.com

Your Wechat: madao3

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer of a e-commerce team

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Provide sales tools for e-commerce through WeChat.

Your Email: huxiaolong100@126.com

Your Wechat: hxllyl

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

@Madao-3 @hxllyl Approved. Please check your email for further steps.

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): founder of a startup based on Wechat services
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): to provide offline sport activities registration in wechat groups, along with our wechat miniprogram, for a better registration experience.
  3. Your Email: grepug@163.com
  4. Your Wechat: grepug
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here) YES
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here) YES
  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer of a student group
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): wechat groups, and manage group. send some info to student and stats analysis
  3. Your Email: kis87988@gmail.com
  4. Your Wechat: kis87988
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here) YES
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here) YES
  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer
    2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): get the wxid for a better and accurate search result
  2. Your Email: xxxxlr#gmail.com
  3. Your Wechat: wxid_smpwqcsrzmat22
  4. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here) YES
    6.I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here) YES

@grepug @kis87988 @xxxxlr Welcome!

Your applications had been approved, please check your email for further steps to join the Alpha Tester List.

Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer
Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): message proxy to CRM
Your Email: as181920@gmail.com
Your Wechat: as181920

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here) YES
I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here) YES


Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer of block chain team,Singapore

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Through our APP distribution activities to WeChat group, the participation of users in WeChat group is limited

Your Email: zhurui782360939@gmail.com

Your Wechat: ZHURUI1623

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

Introduce Yourself(who you are): software developer

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Message listening for chatRoom

Your Email: wwb-WeiBo.Wang@outlook.com

Your Wechat: qq838524022

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Message manage

Your Email: zopxygoing@gmail.com

Your Wechat: limsink

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

You are receiving this because you commented.



  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer

  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Message manage

  3. Your Email: zopxygoing@gmail.com

  4. Your Wechat: limsink

  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

@as181920 @Hunk-zhurui @weibo6631352 @bpgoing Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps. Welcome!

Update Jun 24, 2018

Hi all, Wechaty Alpha Tester List current has 11 developers before we stepped into the new developing version v0.17. We will continue accepting alpha tester application until the list reaches to 17 testers. After that, we will queue all the new requests, and start our qualification program to measure the alpha testers every week. If a tester cannot meet the requirement of our qualification program, they will be removed from the alpha tester list, and then we will be able to accept the new application from the queue again.


I want to join the test
My wechat 18802000503

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): I'm the tech head of a start-up project 'Jiepx.com'.
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Filter user's message and reply accordingly.
  3. Your Email: qingcao@vip.qq.com
  4. Your Wechat: qingcao-liu
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here) YES
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here) YES, Qingcao Liu

I want to join the test
I want to solve the multi-WeChat multi-user business operation
my name :mingliang.zhang
My wechat 18802000503
thank you

Introduce Yourself(who you are): 前端经理

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): get user id,send voice message, keywords reply and more.

Your Email: zhoumh1988@163.com

Your Wechat: LittleStrongZhou

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

Introduce Yourself(who you are): softer developer

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): message monitor

Your Email: 1060806168@qq.com

Your Wechat: piguoren

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): I'm Neil, a software engineer
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): We would like to provide a stable wechat robot for our clients to manage their wechat groups. As long as the webot robot is reliable and be to able to scale, we can pay reasonable service fee if necessary.
  3. Your Email: lvjinang@yahoo.com.au
  4. Your Wechat: Neil_Lu (prefix&suffix with underscore '_')
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: Yes
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: Yes

Introduce Yourself(who you are): software developer

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Integrate wechaty to work flow.

Your Email: arvintian8@163.com

Your Wechat: tian17865933200

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

@qcliu @zhoumh1988 @BoPro @Neil-UWA @Arvintian Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps. Welcome!

Introduce Yourself(who you are):

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):

Your Email:

Your Wechat:

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)

Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): i have use wechaty for web to build a bot, but Too much limit and my account was sealed, i want to use padchat to solve my problem

Your Email: 735051883@qq.com

Your Wechat: 735051883

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

@wuying8 @Zhou-Bill Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps. Welcome!

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):

Hi ! I'm Mirko Tebaldi, aka "Realtebo", from Italy

  1. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):

I'd like to use wechat bot to automatically download and scan images using image recognitions AI like Google cloud vision API

  1. Your Email:


  1. Your Wechat:


  1. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)


  1. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)

Yes, by Mirko "Realtebo" Tebaldi

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
    Hi! I'm Justin, a developer.
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    Wechat group management tools.
  3. Your Email: nb@lijunxiang.com
  4. Your Wechat: imLiJunXiang
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)
    Yes, by Justin.

@realtebo Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps. Welcome!

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): 微信群运营产品技术负责人
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): 需要大批量的非Web版机器人
  3. Your Email: xuejin.chen@gemii.cc
  4. Your Wechat: cxj_hit
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: Yes
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES, X.J Chen
  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): I'm kefei, a developer
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Wechat group management tools.
  3. Your Email: kefei.zhao@gemii.cc
  4. Your Wechat: zhao546109656
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home: YES
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here): YES, kefei

@zhaokefei Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps. Welcome!

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): hi! I'm linhaobin, a developer.
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): wechat robot management for web
  3. Your Email: linhaobin28@qq.com
  4. Your Wechat: HBinbin
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: Yes
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: Yes

Update Notice

Padchat Alpha Testing will be terminated when we had been ready for Beta Testing.

The date is still not decided but it will not take too long from now.

@zixia I'm glad to hear that. The Padchat is proved to be stable enough?

@solarhell not yet, but we hope soon.

Introduce Yourself(who you are): hi! I'm a developer.
Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): wechat robot management for taobao coupons
Your Email: 56828390@qq.com
Your Wechat: yiqun1010
I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: Yes
I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: Yes

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
    I'm caicaicai, a developer
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    wechat robot management for my server
  3. Your Email:
  4. Your Wechat:
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md:
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support:
  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): I'm Jqs7, a full stack developer
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): wechat robot used for development (CI/Issue management), the wechat robot base on web api is not so stable.
  3. Your Email: 7@jqs7.com
  4. Your Wechat: Jiaqi_Se7en
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: YES
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES, Jqs7
  1. Introduce Yourself (who you are):
    I'm henson, a golang developer
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    want to rewrite the SDK for golang
  3. Your Email:
  4. Your Wechat:
    @lijiarui already got it
  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md:
  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support:
  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): a web developer, use Wechaty for long
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): test new Wechaty, so I can use it to my system smooth
  3. Your Email: hjm1989@gmail.com
  4. Your Wechat: feeloc
  1. Introduce Yourself (who you are):
    I'm Bokang (BK), a software engineer from a renowned token fund

  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve: (what you do):
    I'm trying to solve the issue that investment managers often need to reply a message of same content, voice message particularly, to multiple wechat groups. Wechaty is able to empower them with the capability of forwarding message to multiple other groups in a nick of time, thus greatly saving the cost of communication.

  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks?
    Adult & Sex


  1. Your Email: hbk671104@gmail.com

  2. Your Wechat: hbk671104

  3. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)


  1. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)



This application program will be terminated after we published v0.20

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): tianzhao

  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): dev at a startup. need to reply a lot msgs in the customer group

  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO) NO
    Adault & Sex

  4. Your Email: ekousp@gmail.com

  5. Your Wechat: ekousp

  6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here) YES

  7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here) YES tianzhao

@linhaobin @yiqun1010 @caicaicai @jqs7 @hbk671104 @ekousp Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.


1.Introduce Yourself(who you are):
张硕 rails developer。

2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
Automatically receive user resume files

3.Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? NO
Adult & Sex

4.Your Email:

5.Your Wechat:

6.I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

7.I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)

1.Introduce Yourself(who you are):
solarhell (backend developer)

2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
Manage groups programmingly.

3.Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? NO
Adult & Sex

4.Your Email:

5.Your Wechat:

6.I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

7.I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)

@3014zhangshuo @solarhell Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.


1.Introduce Yourself(who you are):
fengzie (A startup owner)

2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
Create a bot for user, user can forward content from other applications to the bot and save them.

3.Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? NO
Adult & Sex

4.Your Email:

5.Your Wechat:

6.I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

7.I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)


Wechaty Puppet Alpha Tester Apply Template

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
  10+ years programming experience with testing knowledge and skills
  1. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
  To analyze the text, documents in the wechat. 
  To build a wechat robot or a personal assistant
  1. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)
    Adault & Sex
  1. Your Email:
  1. Your Wechat:
  initiz.replace('z', 'l')
  1. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md:** **(Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)
  1. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)
  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): FE developer

  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Create a assistant bot for myself.

  3. Your Email: pkjy@outlook.com

  4. Your Wechat: tnqe214161398

  5. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YES

  6. I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES

Introduce Yourself(who you are):

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
我现在游戏公司开发游戏, 需要微信群推广业务以及和微信用户互动等,由于web版协议的微信提供的服务不是很稳定,所以特别希望能用上ipad协议, 期望能解决web协议的问题

Your Email:

Your Wechat:

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
    Computer Science student.
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    I am trying to create a bot which can answer new student questions base existed new student guide (www.unlguide.com) and manage new student wechat group.
  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)
    Adault & Sex

4. Your Email: cameron93lin@gmail.com
5. Your Wechat: mike93star
6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md:
7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support:

1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
Senior Computer Science student at UNL, and full-time Intern at Fiserv.
2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
I am working with @cameron93lin on a student guide bot.
3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO) Gambling, Adault & Sex
4. Your Email: sherryandchloe@gmail.com
5. Your Wechat: daniel2142
6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md:
7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support:

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
    Programmer interested in robots
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    Web based robot does not work anymore.
  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO) Gambling, Adault & Sex
  4. Your Email: 764600368@qq.com
  5. Your Wechat: sailan10
  6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md:
  7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support:

1.Introduce Yourself(who you are):

2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):

3.Your Email:

4.Your Wechat:

5.I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)

@fengzie Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.


@fengzie @pkjy @Pengzw @cameron93lin @Chlerry @764600368 @ftfuntjh Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.


1.Introduce Yourself(who you are):
frontend engineer

2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
to help myself reply some msg

3.Your Email:

4.Your Wechat:

5.I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)


1.Introduce Yourself(who you are): I'm Jinks, a software engineer
2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): a wechat robot
3.Your Email: jinkspeng@gmail.com
4. Your Wechat: Jinks
5.I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: Yes
I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: Yes

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
    Programmer interested in wechat robots
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    Web based robot does not work anymore for new wechat account. I want to build a robot for do some automation tasks
  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO) Gambling, Adault & Sex
  4. Your Email: ichilong@qq.com
  5. Your Wechat: Lifedriver
  6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md:
    YES. the second one
  7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support:
  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
    I'm notech, a web program developer and a leader of a startup team
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    i am trying to make a robot which have some features with financial
  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)
    Gambling NO
    Adault & Sex NO
  4. Your Email:
  5. Your Wechat:
  6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)
  7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)
    YES BY notech

@BetaSu @JinksPeng @iching-long Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.


@notech Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.


Introduce Yourself(who you are):
developer of startup

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
try to use robot for the group management

Your Email:
nixuan AT live.cn

Your Wechat:

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)
YES by nixuan

Thanks for your work!

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
    kiddo,a developer.
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    Develop an intelligent customer service robot.
  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)Gambling,Adault & Sex
  4. Your Email:
  5. Your Wechat:
  6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md:(Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)
  7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)

Introduce Yourself(who you are):
GuoShun,a developer.
Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
Develop a community steward.
Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)Gambling,Adault & Sex
Your Email:
Your Wechat:
I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md:(Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)
I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)

Introduce Yourself(who you are):

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
我现在在运营一些列微信群,群是优ku, ai奇异,疼讯之类的vip电影分享,我通过WeChaty控制一系列微信号,在群中互动。给予Web协议的WeChaty在号上有一些限制,如果能使用 IPAD协议的话,这些限制就可以突破。所以准备尝试新协议。

Your Email:

Your Wechat:
  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
    A tester also a web,node,wechat miniprogram developer.living in canton, china.first name is 丘, and you can call me 'apiao', 阿飘
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    I wanna find some methods to manage a number of weixin group in our Company's Project.
  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)

Gambling NO
Adault & Sex NO
4. Your Email:
5. Your Wechat:
6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)
YES,i've join the group by the QRCode
7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)
yes qiuzehang

@AlphaFase please look at the wechaty puppet alpha tester apply template again, before we can continue to process your apply, thanks.

@linxiaojialin @originlan @apiaoqzh Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.


1.Introduce Yourself(who you are):

2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):

3.Your Email:

4.Your Wechat:

5.I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)

@hhxx9922 Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.


  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): developer leader of a startup

  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): I need to have access to conversations

  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks?
    Gambling: NO
    Adault & Sex: NO

  4. Your Email: anatoly.wechaty@yandex.ru

  5. Your Wechat: anatoly_wechat

  6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)

  7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)

1.Introduce Yourself(who you are):
a developer

2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
build a emoji robot, WebAPI has too many limitations to provide a good service.

3.Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks?
Gambling: NO
Adault & Sex: NO

4.Your Email:

5.Your Wechat:

6.I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please make sure you had joined the group before you say YES at here)

I understand that the Wechaty v0.15 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES followed by your Name at here)

@anatolychelyshev please fill in the Email

@Flyphy Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.


  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are):
    Startup Developer

  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
    2018 new create account issue.

  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)

  4. Your Email:

  5. Your Wechat:

  6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)

  7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)
    yes. Leonn Looi

1.Introduce Yourself(who you are):
Front End Developer

2.Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
Web API can not invite members to room since 2018.

3.Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)

4.Your Email:

5.Your Wechat:

6.I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)

7.I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)

Introduce Yourself(who you are):
Startup Developer

Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do):
2018 new create account issue.

Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO)

Your Email:

Your Wechat:

I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room by Scan QRCode from README.md: (Please join the group if you are not, and then say YES at here)

I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: (Please say YES, then followed by your Name at here)
yes. Horiebin

  1. Introduce Yourself(who you are): Developer of a startup
  2. Explain the Problem You Want to Solve:(what you do): Send customized message to users
  3. Are Your Bot Related with the Following Tasks? (YES/NO) NO
    Adault & Sex
  4. Your Email: colsy2@gmail.com
  5. Your Wechat: dotcy_
  6. I Had Joined the Wechaty Developers' Home Wechat Room: YSE
  7. I understand that the Wechaty v0.17 is in very Early Alpha Stage, and I have the necessary engineering technics to deal with the bugs instead of just asking for support: YES. Siyan

@yewjia96 Your applications are approved. Please check your email inbox for the next steps.
