webuniverseio / lerna-wizard

Command line wizard for lerna

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"`--only-explicit-updates` has been removed" error message

vjpr opened this issue · comments

$ lerna-wizard
? What do you want to do? [publish] Publish updated packages to npm
? Would you like to customize publishing? Yes
? Publish packages in a more granular way (per commit)? Before publishing to npm, it creates the new version tag by taking the current version and appending the current git s
ha (ex: 1.0.0-alpha.81e3b443). Yes
? Publish to npm without running any of the git commands (skip committing, tagging, and pushing git changes)? Yes
? Update all package.json package versions and dependency versions, but not actually publish the packages to npm? Yes
? Skip all confirmation prompts? No
? Bump versions only for packages that have been updated explicitly rather than cross-dependencies? Yes
? Publish to npm with custom npm dist-tag (defaults to latest)?
? Force publish the specified packages? Leave blank to skip this step. Specify comma-separated list of packages or use * for all
? Skip the version selection prompt and use the specified version? Useful for bypassing the user input prompt if you already know which version to publish. Leave blank to ski
p this step.
? What level of logs to report? On failure, all logs are written to lerna-debug.log in the current working directory. info
`--only-explicit-updates` has been removed. This flag was only ever added for Babel and we never should have exposed it to everyone.

Thanks, I'll look at that this week. Great to see first issue reported by user :)