websockets / wscat

WebSocket cat

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Proxy Support

jeduden opened this issue · comments

is there a way to configure an http proxy with wscat's cli ?

Not currently. I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for, though. What's your use case?

to configure corperate proxies explicitly

An integration of this lib would be needed: https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-https-proxy-agent

I'd review a PR if you'd be willing to submit it.

I would like to capture the request and response that wscat is sending to a host using Fiddler, or some other HTTP proxy, eg wscat wss://some_host_on_the_internet/somerequest and then be able to view it on Fiddler (or some other HTTP proxy application) what the request and response is.