websemantics / semavue

[DEPRECATED] Semantic-ui components built with pure Vue.js

Home Page:https://github.com/cuffs/key

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

┌──────────────────────┐                       _____          _____
|                      |                       \\\  \        /  ///
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|       /        ) /"     "||"  \    /"  |  /""\ \\\  \    /  ///||_ " /"     "|
|      (    \___/ (: ______) \   \  //   | /    \ \\\  \  /  ///(  ) :(: ______)
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|     (________/   \_______)|___|\__/|_(___/    \___) \\\///  \_______/\_______)
|                      |                               \\//
└──────────────────────┘                                \/

Semantic-ui components built with pure Vue.js

[DEPRECATED] and has been replaced by Kuhfskee.

Web Components

SemaVue employs the concept of Web Components to build an extensible library of UI widgets by wrapping Semantic-ui elements in javascript, html and css / less styles.

┌────────────────────────┐       ┌──────────────────────┐       ┌─────────────────┐
│         SemaVue        │       │      Component       │       │   Application   │
│┌──────────────────────┐│       │┌────────────────────┐│       │┌───────────────┐│
││ - Components         ││       ││ - Js, html & less  ││       ││ - Theme       ││
││ - Core styling       ││       ││ - Docs             ││       ││ - Layout      ││
││ - Semantic-ui theme  │├──────>││ - Accessibility    │├──────>││ - Components  ││
││                      ││       ││ - Responsive       ││       ││               ││
││                      ││       ││ - Test             ││       ││               ││
││                      ││       ││                    ││       ││               ││
│└──────────────────────┘│       │└────────────────────┘│       │└───────────────┘│
└────────────────────────┘       └──────────────────────┘       └─────────────────┘

Components can be stored in a repository as a group or indivisually. Each repository will have documentations, markup, logic, styling and test code for all components.


From Vue and React worlds


[DEPRECATED] Semantic-ui components built with pure Vue.js
