webpro / reveal-md

reveal.js on steroids! Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from any Markdown file

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Created a nix flake for reveal-md

sagikazarmark opened this issue · comments


I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for creating reveal-md and that I've created a Nix flake for it: https://github.com/sagikazarmark/reveal-md-flake

It was easier for me to create a separate repository first, because I want to use it in my workshop template, but it could also be part of this repo. Let me know if you are interested and I'll try to submit a PR.

Thanks, @sagikazarmark!

It doesn't look like a maintenance burden to include a Nix flake in this repo. We could use release-it's version bumper plugin to also update the version in flake.nix with every release, if that's necessary?

@webpro Cool!

The only problem I see is that I have no idea how Nix works with non-yarn projects, so I'll have to figure that out first.

We could use release-it's version bumper plugin to also update the version in flake.nix with every release, if that's necessary?

I don't think that's necessary, but good to know it's available.

I'll try to figure out how Nix works with npm and send a PR.

I made some progress here: I submitted a PR to the official package repository to include reveal-md: NixOS/nixpkgs#144918

Once it gets merged, the flake won't be necessary.

The referenced PR was merged. The changes should land in unstable in a couple days.