webpack / webpack-dev-middleware

A development middleware for webpack

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Incorrect stats position field in res object

MDAkramSiddiqui opened this issue · comments

Documentation Is: ReadMe file

  • Missing
  • Needed
  • Confusing
  • Not Sure?

Please Explain in Detail...

this paragraph is mentioned in the ReadMe file to access stats but checked in code the stats field is not present inside devMiddleware.context.stats but in devMiddleware.stats

const { devMiddleware } = res.locals.webpack;
const outputFileSystem = devMiddleware.context.outputFileSystem;
const jsonWebpackStats = devMiddleware.context.stats.toJson();
const { assetsByChunkName, outputPath } = jsonWebpackStats;

Your Proposal for Changes

Either update the code or ReadMe.

const { devMiddleware } = res.locals.webpack;
const outputFileSystem = devMiddleware.outputFileSystem;
const jsonWebpackStats = devMiddleware.stats.toJson();
const { assetsByChunkName, outputPath } = jsonWebpackStats;

Feel free to send a fix to docs, just use devMiddleware.context.stats

This is what I am saying cannot use stats via this devMiddleware.context.stats as context is undefined.

@MDAkramSiddiqui When you try to get this? Becaue it can be undefined if no builds happend

Talking about this line, devMiddleware is context itself, @alexander-akait

(res.locals).webpack = { devMiddleware: context };

Do you have middleware after webpack-dev-middleware? Anyway can you create minimum reproducible test repo, because I can't undestand there is place where you try to get it, thank you

yes, I have a middleware after webpack-dev-middleware where I read assets, for that I am reading devMiddleware.stats.
I am not saying it is a bug, just that readme doc is not correct as per this line of code.

Oh, I see, do you want to send a PR with fix?

cannot raise a PR, getting error that I don't have permission.

You need fork firstly, then send a PR to your fork and then go to PR requests and send it

thanks, have raised the PR #1485