webpack-contrib / webpack-hot-middleware

Webpack hot reloading you can attach to your own server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Modification Request] Change tag text color (in browser overlay)

jimblue opened this issue · comments


  • Operating System: MacOS Mojave 10.14.4
  • Node Version: 10.15.1
  • NPM Version: 6.9.0
  • webpack Version: 4.30.0
  • ${package} Version: 2.24.4

Expected Behavior / Situation

errors and warning tag should be clearly readable.

Actual Behavior / Situation

errors and warning tag text are barely readable because of the contrat between the background color and the text color.
The text color is by default white, which is too light to contrast with the background color of the tag.

Modification Proposal

Add a tagColor entry in overlayStyles object and give it a default value of #000000.

I’d happily take a PR for this 👍

Just created PR #360 to fix this.

I end up by simply improved the style of client overlay because adding an option wasn't compatible with the actual overlayStyles object, which is only for the parent div style, not the tag.

Anyway now tags are easily readable and the UX will be better.

Hope you can merge that soon! 😄

@glenjamin thank you so much, it was a fast PR 😄

Could let us now when you publish it on npm?
