webpack-contrib / webpack-hot-middleware

Webpack hot reloading you can attach to your own server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

New source entries in Firefox Developer Tools after each HMR trigger

vladimir-djokic opened this issue · comments

  • Operating System: Windows 10 x64 1809
  • Node Version: 10.14.1
  • NPM Version: 6.4.1
  • webpack Version: 4.27.1
  • ${package} Version: 2.24.3
  • Firefox Version: 64.0

Expected Behavior

Single client.js entry in Firefox Developer Tools. It is single in Chrome.

Actual Behavior

Multiple client.js entries are present in Firefox Developer Tools:

annotation 2018-12-15 120253


From this repo's example.

Question for Dev

Is this Firefox issue or is there something in the webpack.config.js that can be changed to resolve it? It is difficult to debug otherwise, since Firefox remembers breakpoints for the specific "version" of the file / hot update.

I think this might be a firefox issue, or possibly even a firefox issue caused by a workaround for an old chrome issue!

Either way, it's related to the core of webpack's source map generation, so not an issue with this module.

You'll need to raise this issue with firefox and/or https://github.com/webpack/webpack/ as a problem with the source map updating during hot reloading.

@glenjamin Will do, thank you.

As a side note, changing to devtool: "eval" (good for development, not for production) works as expected even in Firefox.

I'd have thought devtool: eval would leave you with no source maps?

You are correct. I had old source maps on the disk!