webp-sh / webp_server_go

Go version of WebP Server. A tool that will serve your JPG/PNG/BMP/SVGs as WebP/AVIF format with compression, on-the-fly.

Home Page:https://docs.webp.sh

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

could NOT convert GIF to animated webp

STRRL opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

I found that webp_server_go could not resolve animated images, like GIF.

After the conversion, it is NOT animated anymore.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior

before: https://strrl.dev/post/weekly-recap/2023/21-selfdrivinglongtrip/Peek2023-05-2215-53.gif

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots and logs
If applicable, add screenshots and logs to help explain your problem.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. Linux]
  • version or branch[e.g. 0.0.3, master]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

I am going to work on this issue soon.