webmozarts / assert

Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add doc. comments to methods?

forevermatt opened this issue · comments

I really like this assertion library you've made (thanks!). However, it would be really nice if there were documenting comments (/** ... */) that my IDE could pick up as I'm using your library (for things like helping me figure out which parameter should be which for the contains(...) method).

For example, a helpful doc. comment for the contains(...) method might be...

 * Assert that the given $value contains the given $subString.
 * @param string $value The string to search (the haystack).
 * @param string $subString The string to search for (the needle).
 * @param string $message (Optional:) A custom error message if the
 *     assertion fails.
public static function contains($value, $subString, $message = '')
    // ...

Have you considered adding those?