webmozarts / assert

Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.

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Assert::upper() correct usage

bpastukh opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to use Assert::upper() method, but psalm assert * @psalm-assert !lowercase-string $value link confuses me - how the string can be upper if we assert it is lowercase?

So following code does not pass psalm check:

        $string = $data['someKey'];

The error is:

ERROR: DocblockTypeContradiction - src/Event/AbstractEvent.php:28:17 - Docblock-defined type string for $string is always lowercase-string (see https://psalm.dev/155)

So what is correct usage of upper assertion?

how the string can be upper if we assert it is lowercase?

Assertion is for !lowercase-string, exclamation mark ! means negation.

The error is:

How exactly is typed $string? Show /** @psalm-trace $string */;

It is not typed, it's $data is a dynamic array

        #[OA\Property(property: 'data', description: 'An array of data dependent on event type', type: 'object')]
        public array $data = [],

I'm able to reproduce it this way:

        $array = ['someKey' => random_bytes(10)];
        $string = $array['someKey'];

So $array is not typed (it is defined on the first line of the example) and i'm still getting

ERROR: TypeDoesNotContainType - src/Event/AbstractEvent.php:25:17 - Type non-empty-string for $string is always !lowercase-string (see https://psalm.dev/056)

As a workaround for now i've used Assert::true

            sprintf('Expected a value to contain uppercase characters only. Got: "%s"', $string),

Indeed, I could reproduce it on the psalm.dev:
