webmozarts / assert

Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.

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`Assert::isList` does not work for a list containing `NAN`

boesing opened this issue · comments

I've tried to optimize the polyfill of symfony/polyfill-php81 which provides array_is_list function.

Since I've seen how Assert::isList is doing the assertion, I've thought thats a smart way of doing so.
Sadly, PHP is a bit ... special when working with the NAN value.


Thus said, the Assertion from this library might not be accurate when it comes to arrays with NAN.

I've worked around it by using:

array_keys($array) === range(0, count($array) -1);

Sadly, this will slow down the check a bit: https://3v4l.org/QGiu0

Not sure if its worth to use the new implementation as having arrays containing NAN might be rare. But at least I wanted to share my todays WTF moment.

Given the current implementation gives false negatives - one optimisation could be only perform a slow recheck if the main fast check returned false.

So, if $array !== \array_values($array) is false -> do extra array_keys($array) === range(0, count($array) -1).

Given negative branch incurs throwing an exception, extra slowness does not really matter then.

And the positive case would be as fast.

This has been fixed, and will be released in 1.11.0