webhintio / hint

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[Bug] User cannot change categories on the browser extension

vidorteg opened this issue Β· comments

🐞 Bug report


On the webhint extension for chromium browsers user cannot change/select categories


Webhint version:

Edge: 107.0.1418.8 (Official build) dev (64-bit)

Chrome: 108.0.5359.10 (Official Build) dev (64-bit)

The checkbox buttons don't appear to have any events associated (ie, no hover state on element or label; no click event). The radio buttons all appear to work correctly.

(NOTE: The cursor changes to a pointer (hand) when hovering over buttons or links. On some UIs that I've created, I've added CSS so that a pointer is displayed when also hovering over labels & checkbox/radio buttons. It may not be "right", but I think it's more intuitive than the "default" or "text" cursor.)

Hello again! I took a look at fixing this one as well, since I noticed it while refactoring the Label component's CSS.

I think the root issue is actually that the loader doesn't seem to be working correctly for svgs in the browser extension - probably related to the current svg loader still using file-loader, which has been deprecated in Webpack 5. I swapped it over to use Asset Modules instead and everything seems to be working again, but feel free to let me know if you'd rather I take a different approach!