webclinic017 / stock-market-3

Users get up-to-date news and stock prices covering more than 100 trading companies in the NYSE and NASDAQ. Data from the Financial Modeling Prep API.

Home Page:https://app-stock-market.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stock Market App

Live Link

Get up-to-date stock news and prices on the Stock Market


  • Handling lifecycle methods and resuable logic with React Hooks
  • Using client side routes with React Router
  • Interacting with an API Backend
  • Using Redux in a React application
  • Structuring a Redux store
  • Using React Redux Hooks
  • Managing async workflows with Redux Sagas
  • Calculating derived data with Redux Selectors
  • Unit testing a React and Redux application
  • Functional Programming
  • Meeting model client requirements


Stock Market ™ is a single page application built with React and Redux. It relies on data provided by the Financial Modeling Prep API to display up-to-date news and stock prices covering companies listed on, but not limited to, the NYSE and NASDAQ. The Home page provides top stories in the stock market and a catalogue of 100 trading companies, each with their ticker symbols, name and exchange. By default, the directory catalogues companies from All Markets. Two other categories, New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Global Select can be toggled to view companies listed. Users can click on the company's name to view its financial model. The search field above can be used to look up companies by trading symbol. The Stock List page contains a list of all NASDAQ 100 constituents. Companies can be filtered by sector or symbol using the search field. Clicking on a row allows users to get more details for companies listed. These details are provided on the Financial Model page. The About page contains attribution to the API backend and developer of the Stock Market app. On all pages, the Ticker keeps users updated with stock prices. This application is deployed to Heroku.

Filtering companies listed on the NASDAQ 100 by sector

Viewing a company's financial model


  • Internet Connection
  • An Integrated Development Environment
  • Chrome, Firefox or Safari across all screen sizes
  • Node Package Manager (NPM)

Built With

  • Node.js
  • React
  • React Router v6
  • Redux
  • Redux Saga
  • Javascript ES6+
  • npm packages
  • Bootstrap 5
  • SCSS
  • HTML5/CSS3

Getting Started

  • To get started with the app, sign up on the Financial Modeling Prep API to get your API key.
  • Clone this project by running git clone https://github.com/george-swift/stock-market.git
  • Create a .env file in the root directory. Inside the .env file, save your API key in the format shown below:
  • Run npm install to install the needed packages and dependencies.
  • After installing all dependencies, run npm start to fire up a local server with live reloading.
  • If not already redirected, visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to use the Stock Market app.
  • To terminate the server, enter Ctrl + C in your terminal.
  • To get a production bundle, run npm run build


Run npm test to get a verbose test report.

Testing Tools

  • React Testing Library
  • Jest Snapshot
  • Enzyme


👤   Ubong George


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Available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Users get up-to-date news and stock prices covering more than 100 trading companies in the NYSE and NASDAQ. Data from the Financial Modeling Prep API.



Language:JavaScript 89.6%Language:CSS 4.7%Language:SCSS 4.6%Language:HTML 1.1%