webbukkit / Dynmap-Factions

Display faction

Home Page:Display Factions regions on Dynmap's maps, with live update

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TPS drops on radius claim and unclaim

oloflarsson opened this issue · comments

When many people radius claim or radius unclaim large areas the TPS drops to 0 for a short while. We just released a new world map on my server and due to all the claming the profiling results looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/7S3TDEO.png

Could you optimize this somehow? Perhaps reduce the ordo some way. Additionally you could possibly run the update async instead?

I think this would be the line getting repeated to often:

Set<PS> chunks = BoardColls.get().getChunks(fact);


This is the plugin.yml

name: Dynmap-Factions
main: org.dynmap.factions.DynmapFactionsPlugin
version: "0.71-26"
author: mikeprimm
depend: [ dynmap, Factions ]

Need 0.72 for fix - now released