Web5design / emediate-responsive-wp-plugin


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Collaboration between Norran, VK and Aftonbladet.

Admin page

This section of the documentation will go through how you setup the plugin using the settings page in wp-admin

TODO: write important stuff...

Creating ads programmatically

There are two ways to create ads programmatically. Either you use the class Emediate_Plugin and refer to an ad that you have created in the admin page. The other way is to use ERWP_AdCreator, which makes it possible to define all the parameters on-the-fly in your code.

// The easy way, still controlling the ad from the admin page
$ad_html = ERWP_Plugin::generateAdMarkup('my-ad-slug', false);

// The hard way
$break_points = array();
$js_host = 'ad1.emediate.dk';
$cu_param_name = 'cu';
$cu = 1283;
$impl = 'fif'; // either 'js' or 'fif'
$ad_height = 320;

$ad_creator = new ERWP_AdCreator($break_points, $js_host, $cu_param_name);
$ad_html = $ad_creator->create($cu, $impl, $ad_height);

Ad server requests

Each ad will make a request to the ad server containing a CU-parameter and a query-string containing information about the current page, this looks something like ?cre=mu;js=y;target=_blank;cu=25027;.... You can modify the ad query on front-end by using the action wp_head, Example:

add_action('wp_head', function() { ?>
        erwpSettings.adQuery += ';isHandheld=yes';
<?php });

Javascript events

erwpBreakPointChange — Called each time the client has entered a new break point. This happens when you change the size of the browser window or when you change orientation on a tablet.

erwpAdCreated — This event is called every time an ad is created.

erwpAdLoaded — This event is called when an ad iframe has finished loading. If you return false from this callback the add will become hidden.

erwpAdHidden — This event is called every time an ad becomes hidden. An ad that doesn't become hidden will get the class .has-ad

    .on('erwpBreakPointChange', function(evt, newBreakPoint) {
        // We have entered a new break point
    .on('erwpAdCreated', function(evt, adSrc, $fifAdElement, cu, breakPoint) {
        // The iframe is rendered, soon there will be an ad here...
        // Lets remove the .no-ad-here class in case it was
        // added on previous break point
    .on('erwpAdLoaded', function(evt, fifWin, $fifAdElem, breakPoint) {
        // If an ad iframe contains this special comment we should hide the ad
        if( fifWin.body.innerHTML.indexOf('<!-- custom-no-ad-comment -->') > -1 ) {
            return false; // Hide the add
    .on('erwpAdHidden', function(evt, $fifAdElement, breakPoint) {
        // apply a special class on ad containers containing an empty ad

These events are only triggered on fif ads, not composed js

