weaveworks / weave-gitops-profile-examples

These profiles and profile index can be used as examples of how to construct a Weave GitOps Enterprise profile and repository.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Weave GitOps Enterprise Examples and Information

This repository contains examples for Weave GitOps Enterprise. Included are Cluster API templates, bootstrap configurations, and very simple profiles. These resources are used for demonstration and trial purposes, and are not suitable for production use.

The profiles and profile index can be used as examples of how to construct a Weave GitOps Enterprise profile and repository.

For information or a demonstration, contact Weaveworks sales@weave.works

The "How To" Guide for a Weave GitOps Enterprise trial


  • A License/Entitlement Key from Weaveworks
  • A GitHub account (the best method to ensure success is to use a GitHub token. This resolves any authentication requirements. Creating a personal access token)

Documentation for the Installation of Weave GitOps Enterprise can be found here: https://docs.gitops.weave.works/docs/installation/#installing-weave-gitops-enterprise


These profiles and profile index can be used as examples of how to construct a Weave GitOps Enterprise profile and repository.


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