weaveworks / launcher

Weave Cloud Launcher

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Failing CI health checks due to DNS not ready

palemtnrider opened this issue · comments

Failing CI build, which appears to be a false positive. Similar to the issue #199

Rerunning the test passed.

Check appears to fail approximately 10% of the time.

#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
WEAVE_CLOUD_TOKEN=$DEV_INSTANCE_TOKEN ./integration-tests/tests/healthcheck.sh >get.dev.weave.works

Healthcheck of get.dev.weave.works install script

• Set WEAVE_CLOUD_TOKEN if it is not already set
Install Weave Cloud on the minikube cluster
Downloading the Weave Cloud installer...
Preparing for Weave Cloud setup
Checking kubectl & kubernetes versions
Connecting cluster to "Weave Cloud Launcher Integration tests" (id: wandering-star-52) on Weave >Cloud
Installing Weave Cloud agents on minikube at https://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Performing a check of the Kubernetes installation setup.
There was an error while performing a DNS check: checking DNS failed, the DNS in the Kubernetes >cluster is not working correctly. Please check that your cluster can download images and run >pods.Exited with code 111