weavejester / ring-refresh

A Clojure middleware library for Ring that automatically triggers a browser refresh

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Warning about clojure.core.incubator/seqable? shadowing clojure.core output when using Clojure 1.10.3

stevejmp opened this issue · comments


Running in a project using ring-refresh and Clojure version 1.10.3, should output no warnings or exceptions when run.


WARNING: seqable? already refers to: #'clojure.core/seqable? in namespace: clojure.core.incubator, being replaced by: #'clojure.core.incubator/seqable?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. In a project using ring-refresh, set the Clojure dep to 1.10.3
  2. Run a task using ring-refresh from a terminal
  3. View the output


Ring-Refresh 0.1.2 (lein-ring 0.12.6 -> lein-server 0.5.0 -> ring-refresh 0.1.2)
Clojure 1.10.3
Java 11.0.14
Leiningen 2.9.8

More Info

A seqable? function was added to clojure.core in 1.9.0.

In the REPL, the warning goes away when commenting out the only compojure.core dependency and related code in refresh. The warning returns when uncommenting the single dependency.

Currently, the project specifies the Compojure dependency as 1.1.5. If the version is bumped to the latest, 1.6.2, the warning goes away.

I'm not familiar enough with all the Ring-Refresh use cases to know if bumping the Compojure dependency will cause any breakage.

Any feedback?

I may dig deeper later and submit a PR.

It's fine to update the dependency.