weavejester / integrant

Micro-framework for data-driven architecture

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Unable to access Presentations(Enter Integrant)

eastack opened this issue · comments


Unfortunately I can't do a lot about the video as it was recorded and hosted by Skillsmatter. I do have the slides though, so if the video doesn't come back I can substitute it with a link to the slides in PDF form.

I archive all the YouTube videos I like and apparently this presentation used to be on YT at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8mI2OZR3Fg because I have the video file. I can upload it to YouTube again if you like @weavejester

As much as I'd love to say go ahead, I'm unsure of the copyright status of the video. My understanding is that while I have copyright over the slides and my own presentation, the copyright over the video itself belongs to Skillsmatter, or whoever now owns their assets now that they've gone into administration.

Perhaps the thing for me to do is to put up the slides for now and redo the presentation at a later date.