wazum / sluggi

The TYPO3 CMS slug helper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make it possible to create shorter URLs - even with last_segment_only setting

sypets opened this issue · comments

I like this extension.

However, I am trying to figure out a way to use it and / or avoid current problems with 10.4 and redirects.

We recently updated to 10. 4 already had several cases with unusable pages due to several changes of URLs and automatically created redirects.

I thought this extension was an option, but we would like to continue to give editors the possibility of creating shorter URLs for a subpage, e.g. you have

/university/faculty1/institutea/project-something and want this and the subpages to start with:


If you restrict the editing to the last segment, this is not possible. We could deactivate the setting basic.last_segment_only, but what I am looking for is not a hard restriction, but rather a "suggestion / hint" but still be able to replace complete path if clicking on a button if necessary.

I like the current behaviour with the restriction to the last segment because it makes it clearer that this segment belongs to this page, the rest depends on the parent pages and (usually) not the entire path should be changed.

My idea

This could be made configurable so current behaviour is still default.

You could just edit the last segment, but you can click on a button to get the option to edit the whole path.

Current behaviour:


E.g. add additional button "Edit entire path".

This way it is still intuitively clear that you should just edit the segment for this page by default, but you still have the option to do otherwise.

@sypets I'll take a look at this feature request and get in touch later.

@sypets the behaviour described is already possible. Just set the parent slug as an administrator or an editor in the whitelisted group and lock it.
Then all other editors can only edit the last segment but have the short URL from the locked parent page.
Let me know if I didn't get your problem though ;-)

I am very sorry for the late reply. I must have missed the notification.

What I am looking for is a way for the editors to either

a) Edit only the last segment of the URL, e.g. /path/page/mypage
b) or replace the slug with only 1 segment, e.g /mypage

So, they should not mess up the URL but they should have the possibility to create short URLs. I realize this is maybe not so easy to handle.

Just set the parent slug as an administrator or an editor in the whitelisted group and lock it. Then all other editors can only edit the last segment but have the short URL from the locked parent page.

The problem is - I can't give the editor (unless in whitelist group) the possibility to create a shorturl. I hope I have understood you correctly - I tested again with same result.

I will have another look at the extension and see if we can use it the way it is.