wazum / sluggi

The TYPO3 CMS slug helper

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Redirects for subpages does not get PageTypeSuffix

christophlehmann opened this issue · comments

My pages have the slugs:

  • /test-1/
  • /test-1/unterseite/

We use '/' as default PageTypeSuffix.

When i rename /test-1/ to /test-2/ then 2 redirects are created:

  1. /test-1/ => /test-2/
  2. /test-1/unterseite => /test-2/unterseite

Issue is that the second redirect misses the slash at the end.

Another issue are translated pages. My page translation has the url path /pl-pl/polish-page/ where /pl-pl/ is the language prefix. When i rename the page this redirect is created:

/pl-pl/polish-page/ => /pl-pl/renamed-polish-page/pl-pl/

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the problem is, that a slug $originalSlug is compared against a page path $generatedPath in \Wazum\Sluggi\Backend\Service\SlugService::getVariant(). There strpos($generatedPath, $originalSlug)... seems strange to me.