wazum / sluggi

The TYPO3 CMS slug helper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Redirect to self is created in multilanguage site

mariekesdb opened this issue · comments

When you have a multilanguage site and edit a page in the default language, a redirect is created from the second language page to itself.

For example:

  • "page 1" exists in language 0 and 1 with slugs site.com/page and site.com/en/page
  • edit a property of the default page in the backend, e.g. the author.
  • when you save the page a redirect is created from site.com/en/page to site.com/en/page

I use TYPO3 10.4.12 and this problem is in the dev-master version of the exention and it's created with the fix for issue #40 because in version 2.0.0 the issue isn't there