wazo-platform / wazo-confd-client

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A python library for using wazo-confd


Installing in a virtualenv

It is recommended to install the library in a virtualenv. A virtualenv isolates python packages from the rest of the system, hence avoiding conflicts with your OS package manager. On debian based systems, virtualenv can be install with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install python3-virtualenv

Afterwards create a virtual environment for the library:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 confd-client

When opening a new terminal do not forget to activate your virtualenv, otherwise the library will not be available.

source confd-client/bin/activate


We recommend installing dependencies via pip. It will already be available if you are using a virutalenv. Otherwise, it can be installed via apt-get:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Afterwards use the requirements.txt file for installing dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The client exposes each resource through command groups. Each group offers the same CRUD operations. A list of available resources can be found in the confd docs. Additional operations are documented futher down in this README.

To start using the library, first configure a new client, then execute an operation on a resource.

from wazo_confd_client import Client

c = Client('confd.example.com', port=9486, https=True, token='the-one-ring')

users = c.users.list()

Waiting for wazo-confd to be ready

The wait_until_ready command will try to query wazo-confd for retry number of time waiting delay seconds before retrying

c.wait_until_ready(retry=20, delay=0.2)


Each resource offers the following CRUD operations:


Return a list of items. You can also pass optional parameters for searching and sorting such as search, sort, order, offset, limit, etc. Returns a dict structured as {'total': total, 'items': [item1, item2, item3]}.

users = c.users.list(search='John')


Return an item for a given ID.

user_id = 42
user = c.users.get(user_id)

user_uuid = '2e752722-0864-4665-887d-a78a024cf7c7'
user = c.users.get(user_uuid)  // users only


Create a new resource item with given parameters.

created_user = c.users.create({'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Doe'})

For creation in a specific entity (tenant), add a tenant_uuid parameter:

created_user = c.users.create({'firstname': 'John', 'lastname': 'Doe', 'tenant_uuid': 'my-tenant-uuid'})


Update a resource item with given parameters. Only the parameters that need to be updated should be sent. The parameters dict MUST contain the id of the item that needs to be updated.

user = {'id': 42, 'firstname': 'Johnny'}


Delete a resource item.

user_id = 42

Additional operations

Some resources also offer additional operations:


Resource for managing devices, such as SIP or SCCP phones

#Reset a device in autoprov mode

#Synchronize the configuratuon of a device


Resource for manipulating funckey templates and their keys.

#Get the funckey inside a template for a given position
c.funckeys.get_template_funckey(template_id, position)

#Update a funckey inside a template
c.funckeys.update_template_funckey(template_id, position, funckey)

#Remove a funckey from a template
c.funckeys.delete_template_funckey(template_id, position)


Resource to check if user exists

user_exists = c.users.exist('52d99c78-4f67-47da-90dd-aeba32afd251')

Resource for managing user accounts

#Mass import users using CSV data
csvdata = """firstname,lastname

c.users.import_csv(csvdata, encoding='utf-8', timeout=300)

#Mass update users using CSV data
csvdata = """uuid,firstname,lastname

c.users.update_csv(csvdata, encoding='utf-8', timeout=300)

#Mass export users in CSV format
csvdata = c.users.export_csv()

#Get SIP endpoint of main line for a user
user_uuid = '52d99c78-4f67-47da-90dd-aeba32afd251'
endpoint_sip = users.get_main_endpoint_sip(user_uuid)


Resource for managing files

#Get sound file
binary_content = c.sounds.download_file(category, file_name, format=format, language=language)

#Upload sound file
c.sounds.upload_file(category, file_name, binary_content, format=format, language=language)

#Delete sound file
c.sounds.delete_file(category, file_name, format=format, language=language)

Resource relations

Certain resources can be associated together in order to offer additional functionality. These associations are known as "relations". Each resource exposes a subset of commands for manipulating relations through the relations method. Consult the confd documentaton for a complete list of associations.

#Access relation by using IDs
user_id = 42
line_id = 34

user = c.users.get(user_id)
line = c.lines.get(line_id)

#dicts can also be used instead of IDs

#Calling the command group directly is equivalent to calling .relations()

Here is a list of relations and their methods:

Agent relation

Exposed via c.agents.relations(agent_id)

  • add_skill(skill, weight=weight)
  • remove_skill(skill)

Agent skill relation

Exposed via c.agent_skills.relations(skill_id)

Call Filter Relation

Exposed via c.call_filters.relations(call_filter_id)

  • update_fallbacks(fallbacks)
  • update_user_recipients(users)
  • update_user_surrogates(users)

Call Pickup Relation

Exposed via c.call_pickups.relations(call_pickup_id)

  • update_group_interceptors(groups)
  • update_group_targets(groups)
  • update_user_interceptors(users)
  • update_user_targets(users)

Call Permission Relation

Exposed via c.call_permissions.relations(call_permission_id)

  • add_user(user_id)
  • remove_user(user_id)

Conference relation

Exposed via c.conferences.relations(conference_id)

  • add_extension(extension)
  • remove_extension(extension)

Context relation

Exposed via c.contexts.relations(context_id)

  • update_contexts(contexts)
  • list_ranges('user', availability='available', order='start', limit=10)

Device Relation

Exposed via c.devices.relations(device_id)

  • add_line(line_id)
  • remove_line(line_id)
  • list_lines()

Endpoint SIP relation

Exposed via c.endpoints_sip.relations(endpoint_id)

  • associate_line(line)
  • dissociate_line(line)

Endpoint SCCP relation

Exposed via c.endpoints_sccp.relations(endpoint_id)

  • associate_line(line)
  • dissociate_line(line)

Endpoint Custom relation

Exposed via c.endpoints_custom.relations(endpoint_id)

  • associate_line(line)
  • dissociate_line(line)

Extension relation

Exposed via c.extensions.relations(extension_id)

  • add_line(line)
  • remove_line(line)

Extension feature relation

Exposed via c.extensions_features.relations(extension_id)

Funckey template relation

Exposed via c.funckeys.relations(template_id)

  • add_user(user)
  • remove_user(user)

Group relation

Exposed via c.groups.relations(group_id)

  • add_extension(extension)

  • remove_extension(extension)

  • update_extension_members(extensions)

  • update_user_members(users)

  • update_fallbacks(fallbacks)

  • list_fallbacks()

  • add_schedule(schedule)

  • remove_schedule(schedule)

  • add_call_permission(call_permission)

  • remove_call_permission(call_permission)

Incall relation

Exposed via c.incalls.relations(incall_id)

  • add_extension(extension)
  • remove_extension(extension)
  • add_schedule(schedule)
  • remove_schedule(schedule)

Line relation

Exposed via c.lines.relations(line_id)

  • add_user(user)
  • remove_user(user)
  • add_extension(extension)
  • remove_extension(extension)
  • add_endpoint_sip(endpoint_sip)
  • remove_endpoint_sip(endpoint_sip)
  • add_endpoint_sccp(endpoint_sccp)
  • remove_endpoint_sccp(endpoint_sccp)
  • add_endpoint_custom(endpoint_custom)
  • remove_endpoint_custom(endpoint_custom)
  • add_device(device_id)
  • remove_device(device_id)
  • get_device()
  • add_application(application)
  • remove_application(application)

Outcall relation

Exposed via c.outcalls.relations(outcall_id)

  • update_trunks(trunks)
  • add_extension(extension, prefix='123', external_prefix='456', strip_digits=2, caller_id='toto')
  • remove_extension(extension)
  • add_schedule(schedule)
  • remove_schedule(schedule)
  • add_call_permission(call_permission)
  • remove_call_permission(call_permission)

Paging relation

Exposed via c.pagings.relations(paging_id)

  • update_user_members(users)
  • update_user_callers(users)

Parking Lot relation

Exposed via c.parking_lots.relations(parking_lot_id)

  • add_extension(extension)
  • remove_extension(extension)

Queue relation

Exposed via c.queues.relations(queue_id)

  • add_extension(extension)

  • remove_extension(extension)

  • update_fallbacks(fallbacks)

  • list_fallbacks()

  • add_schedule(schedule)

  • remove_schedule(schedule)

  • add_agent_member(agent, priority, penalty)

  • remove_agent_member(agent)

  • add_user_member(user, priority)

  • remove_user_member(user)

Queue skill rule relation

Exposed via c.queue_skill_rules.relations(skill_rule_id)

Register IAX relation

Exposed via c.registers_iax.relations(register_iax_id)

Register SIP relation

Exposed via c.registers_sip.relations(register_sip_id)

Switchboard relation

Exposed via c.switchboards.relations(switchboard_id)

  • update_user_members(users)

  • update_fallbacks(fallbacks)

  • list_fallbacks()

Trunk relation

Exposed via c.trunks.relations(trunk_id)

  • add_endpoint_sip(endpoint_sip)
  • remove_endpoint_sip(endpoint_sip)
  • add_endpoint_iax(endpoint_iax)
  • remove_endpoint_iax(endpoint_iax)
  • add_endpoint_custom(endpoint_custom)
  • remove_endpoint_custom(endpoint_custom)
  • add_register_sip(register_sip)
  • remove_register_sip(register_sip)
  • add_register_iax(register_iax)
  • remove_register_iax(register_iax)

User relation

Exposed via c.users.relations(user_id)

  • add_line(line)

  • remove_line(line)

  • update_lines(lines)

  • add_call_permission(call_permission)

  • remove_call_permission(call_permission)

  • add_voicemail(voicemail)

  • remove_voicemail()

  • get_voicemail()

  • add_funckey(position, funckey)

  • update_funckey(position, funckey)

  • remove_funckey(position, funckey)

  • get_funckey(position)

  • list_funckeys()

  • update_funckeys(funckeys)

  • add_funckey_template(funckey_template)

  • remove_funckey_template(funckey_template)

  • add_agent(agent)

  • remove_agent()

  • update_service(service_name, service)

  • get_service(service_name)

  • update_services(services)

  • list_services()

  • update_forward(forward_name, forward)

  • get_forward(forward_name)

  • update_forwards(forwards)

  • list_forwards()

  • get_endpoint_sip(line_id)

  • update_fallbacks(fallbacks)

  • list_fallbacks()

  • update_groups(groups)

  • add_schedule(schedule)

  • remove_schedule(schedule)

  • list_external_apps()

  • create_external_app(external_app)

  • update_external_app(external_app)

  • get_external_app(external_app)

  • delete_external_app(external_app)

Voicemail relation

Exposed via c.voicemails.relations(voicemail_id)

  • add_user(user)
  • remove_user(user)
  • remove_users()

Other resources

Some resources do not expose CRUD methods. This section documents which operations are available for other resources.


#Get information about server
info = c.infos.get()


#Get status of live reload
live_reload_status = c.configuration.live_reload.get()

#Update live reload configuration
c.configuration.live_reload.update({'enabled': True})

Unallocated devices

#Get the list of unallocated devices
unallocated_devices = c.unallocated_devices.list()

#Assign the current token's tenant to an unallocated device

#Assign a token-accessible tenant to an unallocated device
c.unallocated_devices.assign_tenant(device_id, tenant_uuid='tenant')


#Get available timezones
timezones = c.timezones.list()

sounds languages

#Get available sounds languages
sounds_languages = c.sounds_languages.list()

voicemail zonemessages

#Get voicemail zonemessages configuration
voicemail_zonemessages = c.voicemail_zonemessages.get()

#Update voicemail zonemessages configuration

voicemail general

#Get Voicemail general configuration
voicemail_general = c.voicemail_general.get()

#Update Voicemail general configuration

queues general

#Get queues general configuration
queues_general = c.queues_general.get()

#Update queues general configuration

## sccp general

#Get SCCP general configuration
sccp_general = c.sccp_general.get()

#Update SCCP general configuration

iax callnumberlimits

#Get IAX callnumberlimits configuration
iax_callnumberlimits = c.iax_callnumberlimits.get()

#Update IAX callnumberlimits configuration

iax general

#Get IAX general configuration
iax_general = c.iax_general.get()

#Update IAX general configuration


#Get ConfBridge wazo_default_bridge configuration
wazo_default_bridge = c.confbridge_wazo_default_bridge.get()

#Update ConfBridge wazo_default_bridge configuration

#Get ConfBridge wazo_default_user configuration
wazo_default_user = c.confbridge_wazo_default_user.get()

#Update ConfBridge wazo_default_user configuration


#Get Features applicationmap configuration
applicationmap = c.features_applicationmap.get()

#Update Features applicationmap configuration

#Get Features featuremap configuration
featuremap = c.features_featuremap.get()

#Update Features featuremap configuration

#Get Features general configuration
general = c.features_general.get()

#Update Features general configuration


# Get the PJSIP doc specification
doc = c.pjsip_doc.get()

pjsip_global = c.pjsip_global.get()
pjsip_global['max_forwards'] = '42'


pjsip_system = c.pjsip_system.get()
pjsip_system['compact_headers'] = 'yes'



#Get HEP General configuration
hep_general = c.hep_general.get()

#Update HEP General configuration

## RTP

#Get RTP General configuration
rtp_general = c.rtp_general.get()

#Update RTP General configuration

#Get RTP Ice Host Candidates configuration
rtp_general = c.rtp_ice_host_candidates.get()

#Update RTP Ice Host Candidates configuration


#Pass the wizard

#Get the Wazo configuration status
configured = c.wizard.get()

#Get informations about the system on which wazo-confd is installed
discover = c.wizard.discover()


#Get DHCP configuration
dhcp = c.dhcp.get()

#Update DHCP configuration
c.dhcp.update({'active': False})

high availability

#Get HA config

#Update HA config

Provisioning networking configuration

#Get provisioning networking configuration

#Update provisioning networking configuration

Provisioning registrars

#Get registrars
registrars = c.registrars.list()

#Update the proxy of a registrar
#This will update all devices that rely on this registrar
c.registrars.update({'id': 'default', 'proxy_main_host': ''})

E-mail configuration

# Get E-mail configuration
emails = c.emails.get()

# Update E-mail configuration
emails['domain_name'] = 'smtp.example.org'


Admin meetings are available at:

meetings = c.meetings.list()  # equivalent to GET /meetings
# and all other CRUD operations on c.meetings...

User meetings are available at:

meetings = c.my_meetings.list()  # equivalent to GET /users/me/meetings
# and all other CRUD operations on c.my_meetings...

Guest meetings are available at:

# equivalent to GET /guests/me/meetings/uuid
meeting = c.my_guest_meetings.get(uuid)

# equivalent to METHOD /guests/guest_uuid/meetings/uuid/authorizations...
meeting = c.guests(guest_uuid).meetings(uuid).authorizations.create(authorization)
meeting = c.guests(guest_uuid).meetings(uuid).authorizations.get(auth_uuid)
meeting = c.guests(guest_uuid).meetings(uuid).authorizations.accept(auth_uuid)
meeting = c.guests(guest_uuid).meetings(uuid).authorizations.reject(auth_uuid)

Adding new commands

New command groups can be added to the client by sub-classing RESTCommand. The new class must be added to the entry points in setup.py under confd_client.commands. The name of the entry point is used as name for the group in the client. For example, commands for the Foo resource would look like this:

from wazo_lib_rest_client import RESTCommand

class FooCommands(RESTCommand):
    resource = 'foo'

    def bar(self):
        url = f"{self.base_url}/bar"
        response = self.session.get(url)

        if response.status_code != 200:

        return response.json()

# in setup.py

entry_points = {
    'confd_client.commands': [
        'foo = package.to.foo:FooCommands'

Then, your method bar would be used like this:

c = Client(...)




  • Remove argument auth_method from wazo_confd_client.Client. Auth method is always digest.


Running unit tests

apt-get install libpq-dev python3-dev libffi-dev libyaml-dev
pip install tox
tox --recreate -e py39


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%