wazery / ratyrate

:star: A Ruby Gem that wraps the functionality of jQuery Raty library, and provides optional IMDB style rating.

Home Page:http://ratingmoviestore.herokuapp.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Editing imdb_avg number text on star

pmaclin opened this issue · comments

Using imdb_avg: true to display the big imdb star. Average number works but is very small and goes for 14 places right of the decimal. How/where do I adjust the number to (1) make it bigger and (2) only go 1 space right of the decimal?

<dd>Dimension 1: <%= rating_for my_model, 'dimension_1', disable_after_rate: true, imdb_avg: true, enable_half: true, cancel: true, cancel_hint: 'Cancel this rating!' %></dd>
<dd>Dimension 2: <%= rating_for my_model, 'dimension_2', disable_after_rate: true, imdb_avg: true, enable_half: true, cancel: true, cancel_hint: 'Cancel this rating!' %></dd> 

Displays on a show page.

Hey pmaclin,

Did you solve this? I'm having the same issue!