wayd2001 / java-skeleton-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the repo can be used as a skeleton for any Java project. It has simple code, unit test and acceptance test enabled for Hello world.


Please install the following tools for this project. The latest version should be fine unless specific version is listed.

  • git
  • jdk 1.8
  • Intellij (please choose either community or ultimate edition)
    • Intellij idea community edition with the following plug-in installed
      • lombok plug-in
      • cucumber java plug-in
    • Intellij idea ultimate edition (evaluation) with the following plug-in installed
      • lombok plug-in
  • Chrome and Chrome driver

Setup Command Line Development Environment

Use git to clone this project into a folder. Then in this folder, run the command below in order.

  • Start Web Application ./gradlew run (on port 8090)
  • Run All Tests ./gradlew ci (on port 8080)
  • if you want to start it on a port rather than 8090 (e.g. 8070), please do ./gradlew run -Pport=8070

Setup Intellij Development Environment

  • Start Web Application
    • Intellij idea community edition
      • Run com.odde.bbuddy.Application as a Java application by setting environment variable "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE" to "dev"
    • Intellij idea ultimate edition
      • Run com.odde.bbuddy.Application as a Spring Boot application by setting environment variable "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE" to "dev"
  • Run Unit Tests. Run those unit tests as normal.
  • Run Acceptance Tests (cucumber). In feature file, you can select the feature or one scenario and then run it. In the configuration, you need to set environment variable "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE" to "test"
  • Spring Boot Developer Tools is used so that you can hot load any modified code, template file and resource file without restart the application. Please follow the steps below to enable this hot load feature.
    • Enable the "build project automatically" option of compiler in Intellij
    • Start the application in Intellij as described in the first item. Don't start it with gradle in command line.
    • Edit any code or file, then the change will be reloaded automatically.
    • You can install a Chrome extension called Live Reload so that the tab (in which this application is opened) will be refreshed automatically.

Tips for Mac installation

Here are some tips for Mac installations.

  • Homebrew is recommended for Mac tool and app installations
    • Tools and services can be installed via, for example, brew install git
    • Applications can be installed via, for example, brew cask install chrome

Tips for Windows installation

Here are some tips for Windows installations.

  • Please consider to install Babun and then install command line tools like git and rvm in it



Language:Java 73.0%Language:CSS 17.6%Language:HTML 8.1%Language:Gherkin 1.4%