wave-framework / wave

The core Wave framework

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Registry Doesn't work on php-fpm

mikey0000 opened this issue · comments

Hello Patrick,

static variables as session holders don't work on php-fpm with nginx, I just subbed the static variable for php sessions

Ok, I've never used it in that configuration so never run into that :)

The purpose of that class could be encapsulated into a Storage subclass (a-la Wave\Storage\Cookie), which could then be replaced with a Wave\Storage\Session.

Although, as you may have noticed the current version of Wave is vastly different to the version you are likely running, so none of that is really that applicable.

Thanks for the heads up though, I'm trying to reduce the dependence on static classes and variables anyway, so I'll add this to the list of things to fix, thanks :)

No problem, I'll likely merge some of your changes as I am not "expert enough" to manage a framework and looks like you've added some necessary additions like delete which I hacked into my version. Works fine but doesn't deal with relations so yea. Didn't expect you would have otherwise it would have been really noticeable :D

Yeah the newest version is using a (mostly) rewritten ORM and the rest is refactored to be compatible with namespaces and work nicer with composer etc

Sounds good, Why are you writing your own ORM over something like doctrine? Sounds like you probably didn't like the old ORM as much as I don't like it now.

When I last used Doctrine it was way to over-engineered for what I wanted. (Also, I didn't actually write the ORM).

I dunno, I quite like the challenge of writing stuff myself too :) It works well for the way I work and the style of apps I make.