watadarkstar / react-native-typing-animation

πŸ’¬ A typing animation for your React Native chat app based on simple trigonometry to create better loaders.

Home Page:https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-typing-animation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use Animated and more? [feature request]

xcarpentier opened this issue Β· comments

Hi Adrian,
A contributor integrates it into GiftedChat and I find it really funny!
But I would like to help out a bit with some PRs:

  1. TypeScript it
  2. Use expo on the root for example (ie. mobile and web on the same level, same structure without example folder but some small script for releases and start:dev, like on GiftedChat?)
  3. Use RN Animated API with native driver by default
  4. Add some other animations type (wait for 1s on the bottom like iOS typing, etc...)

Please let me know your thought about it and a happy new year in advance! πŸŽ‰

@xcarpentier Hi, for 1,2 and 4, this sounds good to me πŸ‘ Feel free to help with these PRs. I haven't worked on this library for awhile.

In regards to 3:

  1. Use RN Animated API with native driver by default

The reason I didn't use RN Animated API by default is just because this library can be used with RNW for the web. Some people are using it for that use case. Open for discussion though πŸ˜„

But it's possible to use Animation with RNW... πŸ™‚
See a small example:

@xcarpentier In that case, sounds good to me πŸ™‚ let's do it!

@xcarpentier I sent you an invitation to be a collaborator for this library πŸ‘¬

I am new at react native. How can I customize UI of gifted Chat. I want to change background color and want to add icons to import media. Please help