wastrachan / docker-bind

BIND9 in a Docker container

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Entrypoint error on latest image on docker hub

cerealcable opened this issue · comments

bind2_1  | /docker-entrypoint.sh: line 38: /usr/sbin/named-checkconf: not found

I was using this image and suddenly there was a new image uploaded to docker hub and it's causing this error, however I am not seeing any code changes here, was there a deploy without a git push perhaps?

Also, maybe there should be version tags instead of only latest, I had to manually tag an older image, thankfully I hadn't done a prune recently.

I'm able to reproduce this by pulling the latest image:

➜   docker pull wastrachan/bind:latest                      
latest: Pulling from wastrachan/bind

➜   docker run --rm -it wastrachan/bind

 Starting BIND9, using the following:   
     UID: 100                         
     GID: 101                         

/docker-entrypoint.sh: line 38: /usr/sbin/named-checkconf: not found

If I build from scratch, this issue is not present:

➜ make clean build
rm -f .bind.img
docker build -t wastrachan/bind:latest .

➜   docker run --rm -it wastrachan/bind

 Starting BIND9, using the following:   
     UID: 100                         
     GID: 101                         

25-Nov-2022 14:42:58.016 starting BIND 9.16.33 (Extended Support Version) <id:35e9c6e

I've noticed something very peculiar... the BIND version available in my local build is not the same as the BIND version from the CI build:

➜ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint "" wastrachan/bind:latest apk list | grep bind-9
bind-9.16.33-r0 x86_64 {bind} (MPL-2.0) [installed]

➜ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint ""  wastrachan/bind:dockerhub apk list | grep bind-9
bind-9.18.9-r0 x86_64 {bind} (MPL-2.0) [installed]

I do not know why two independent builds of the same docker file would yield two very different versions of bind... but it looks like named-checkconf has moved to a new location:

➜ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint ""  wastrachan/bind:dockerhub which named-checkconf 

➜ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint ""  wastrachan/bind:latest which named-checkconf    

The entrypoint will be updated to account for this.

Fixed in 9b1a0be
Child issue: #4 (Investigate tagging image with latest alpine package version)