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Wasmer deploy flow, incorrect package

syrusakbary opened this issue · comments

When being in a dir, with a local package wasmer.toml, and running wasmer deploy (no app.yaml).

$ wasmer deploy
It seems you are trying to create a new app!
✔ Who should own this app? · wasmer-examples
✔ What should be the name of the app? · angular-wasmer-starter
A package manifest was found in path /Users/syrusakbary/Development/wasmer-examples/angular-wasmer-starter/wasmer.toml.
✔ Use it for the app? · yes
? Do you want to deploy the app now? (y/n) ›

Then the app.yaml is created as:

kind: wasmer.io/App.v0
name: angular-wasmer-starter
owner: wasmer-examples
package: /Users/syrusakbary/Development/wasmer-examples/angular-wasmer-starter/wasmer.toml

Package should be ., not the long package route.