wasmerio / wasmer-go

🐹🕸️ WebAssembly runtime for Go

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NewInstance() function returning nil as primary value and an error.

KILLinefficiency opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the bug report!

Describe the bug

I have written a simple Go module with a simple function and generated a .wasm file via the Go compiler. While loading the same .wasm file in another Go module, the NewInstance() function returns an error:

Missing import: `go`.`debug`

Expected behavior

The NewInstance() function should return a value of type *wasmer.Instance and nil as error.

Actual behavior

The NewInstance function returns nil as the primary value instead of *wasmer.Instance variable.
And the error is returned to be:

Missing import: `go`.`debug`

The exact line is:

instance, err := wasmer.NewInstance(module, importObject)