wasmerio / wasmer-go

🐹🕸️ WebAssembly runtime for Go

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Time for a new release?

howjmay opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the great work of wasmer. I am currently using this in my project. However, the latest realest is one year ago. It is not updated enough for new features. It would be awesome to have one

@syrusakbary y'all have done a lot of good work and I imagine some things that need ticking before your next release. After that, 🚢 wdyt?


  • is the shape of the new metering hook by @JanFalkin final? If not, what's left?
  • should the floor go version should stay 1.14? If not, update go.mod and the github workflows
    • note: go only supports current and last, so 1.19 and 1.18
  • is the supported platform matrix up to date? or did something change between last and now?
  • do projects listed in the FAQ work with latest commit from master?

@codefromthecrypt I am not aware of any outstanding issues with the pull, but if there are, I will address them ASAP.


Can you provide us with any estimates about when new release of wasmer-go will happen?

Kind regards.